the past will always come back

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"home? Home was a ship. One that you abandoned." "But you don't believe that. You hated that ship. It was never your home, and neither was I apparently." She whispered the last part, but Alora heard once again.

"When Hadeon found you, he didn't tell you anything?" "He said i would find what i was looking for in Addersmell." "Phailin...and Leon" Alora squinted her eyes as her mind asked more questions. "What?" "You were supposed to find Phailin. It was never about finding the box." Meeri completely disregarded the Leon part of the statement. 

Alora didn't want to believe it. But she knew it was true. The box wasn't there, Phailin knew it and Leon knew it. And because she didn't stay to listen to Phailin, Phailin was dead. "The only difference is, she was supposed to come back with you. But instead she died for you. And you probably didn't feel a thing, did you?"

She was wrong. Alora was hurt by Phailins death. But it wasn't her place to be, not as much as Leon hurts. He was her best friend. Meeri knows Alora would never admit guilt and sadness over something like this. But she knew Alora felt it.

"At least I didn't send her looking for a chance. I could've never showed up. And it still could've gone the same way because of you. But you keep dancing around what you did. So tell us warheart, who killed Phailin?" Two could play this game. And it would only end when both were bleeding.

"I only asked for help when i heard you were looking for the box. Those boys have never wronged me, until now." "Don't blame me because you're horrible at reading people. I've seen those Pirates and they certainly aren't letting a woman half their size boss them around." "It worked for a while." "But not forever."

Meeri and Alora were both standing against the desk. Their faces were inches apart and Leon was terrified if either one's breathing slightly changed, another fight would break out. "Okay i know you two are going to tell me to shut up, but can we please just get to the point. Phailin is dead, it's over, we have bigger issues right now!"

Meeri and Alora both looked at him surprised. Meeri was surprised Leon was over discussing her death. Alora was surprised he wanted to get to the point. "I'd listen to him. This is a rare moment." Meeri was the first to back down, as always. She sat in her chair and waited for Alora to sit. She did.

"Those pirates are associated with someone else. I don't know who but i always knew something felt off. I just didn't have a choice because no one else comes to Ryuusborough, and no one else is as feared as they are. But i only needed them to get a piece of the box, not target you or kill Phailin."

"And where does Hadeon come into this?" Meeri thought. This was it. She has to be the one to remind Alora of what happened. She herself didn't remember much, as she was only two years old when it happened. But she can remember certain things, she remembered enough to know the stories she was told were true.

"When we were kids we did live on land. We lived in the most beautiful and pristine kingdom anyone had ever seen. We never went outside the castle walls, we weren't allowed. No one knew who we were, besides that we existed and what our names were. No one except Hadeon."

"One day the kingdom fell. The sky turned dark and fire caught around us. The mountains burned and were consumed by nothing but black. Our home burned. We got out and our parents didn't." Alora had to turn her head away at the last statement. She at least somewhat remembered them. their faces were blurs now but she could still visualize certain memories.

"No one helped us. Everyone fled their homes as they were consumed by the darkness. I still hear the screaming of those burning, and terrified. We were huddled together in the middle of the street, everyone ignoring us. But one person came for us. He grabbed us and made sure we had a spot on the final boat. There was no room left for him so he stayed behind in the kingdom. Apparently my eyes were full of fear, but yours remained empty. I guess nothing really has changed."

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