dancing shadows aren't the only problem

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"If i draw your stupid map then what? You'll die the moment you set foot in those woods at night." "I don't know, Alora came out of the cemetery pretty alright, besides her torn cape." "Cloak" Phailin and Alora said in unison. A small smile appeared on their faces but was quick to fade.

"Have you even looked?" "For what?" "The symbols." Leon's face paled as he shook his head. "The symbols from the graveyard? Why would he need to look for them?" "Because it will decide your fate in those woods." Now Alora's face lost all color. She slowly side-eyed Leon and he looked fearful.

"Undo the cloak." Phailin came around the counter to Assist Alora. She spotted the tear around her shoulder and stared at it as Alora dropped the cloak to the ground.  "If you also have a list of things Leonidas owes you for, add your life to it."

Alora turned around to face Phailin but caught a glimpse of her shoulder in the mirror. She walked over and looked closer. The symbols she spotted in the cemetery were now engraved on her shoulder. How did she not feel it?

"What is this supposed to mean?" Phailin didn't answer. "What does it mean!?" Alora raised her voice, unwaivering. "You'll be the one who dies if you enter those woods. And you would've died if you set foot in other lands." Alora turned to Leon.

"Did you know? You spotted the tear the night i ran into you, and you didn't say anything?" Leon stayed silent, guilt taking over his face. "you were gonna let me leave and go to other lands, and you would've let me die." "I would not let you or anyone die." He wanted to say 'again'. This says otherwise!" Leon flinched at the second raise in her voice.

"I-im sorry" "sorry!? Sorry would not save me if i was dying would it!?" Alora had never felt so angry. Phailin just stood silently, not knowing how to handle the situation. She felt bad for Leon, she knew his past. But she didn't think it was her place to bring up.

"I told you I didn't want you to save my life before. And I certainly don't now. Because clearly you wouldn't regardless, so I'll get the box myself." "What?" Leon and Phailin spoke in unison. "Did you not just hear a single word i said about how you'll die in there?" "I did, and I'd like to see whatever you're so afraid of try. I'm going to die regardless, so i might as well do so trying to find what i set out to find."

Alora wasted no time picking her cloak up and leaving. Luckily by this point, night was beginning to fall and everyone was going into their homes for dinner. She watched as the street emptied before making her exit and moving through the shadows like an assassin.

"Why didn't you tell her?" "I didn't know how. When she mentioned Hadeon sent her i knew she was dead anyway." "You don't know that." "Are you kidding? And you think he'd let her live after getting what he wants?" "Maybe it's not about what he wants, but why he wants Alora to get it."

Leon stood up straight as Phailin began to explain her thoughts. "I mean think about it. Hadeon has always done everything himself. He only sends someone else to retrieve something if he has other business to attend to. Did Alora tell you anything about what he said to her?" "Absolutely nothing."

Phailin sighed " what if he knows something?" "About what?" "Well has Alora told you anything? Where she's from, what she's doing, does she have a crew anymore?" "I only know she spent her whole life on a boat, and I imagine she would have a crew as a captain."

"Do you know her last name?" "Kjartan." Phailin raised her eyebrows "Kjartan?" "Yeah? Is that important?" 'Yes'. "No not  currently." "Currently?" "It's not important right now alright?" "You're acting like it is." "Let me just draw the stupid map so we can stop her." "We? Absolutely not. I will get her."

Phailin laughed in his face. "respectfully, i don't think she's your biggest fan right now. Nor do i think you'd survive a second in those woods at night again." "That's hurtful. You and Alora both are so horrible to me, you know that?" "Rightfully so." Phailin took one of the sapphires off her dress and broke it open. She dipped half a piece in water and it started to melt. She used it as ink for the map.

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