the adventures of the terrible trio

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"Meeri!" "Do not run across this bridge!" "Yeah, I wasn't planning on it!" Meeri's legs dangled from the bridge as she used her arms as support. She looked below at the water, knowing dropping was not an option. "What do I do Meeri!?" "Listen you are going to crouch walk across the bridge! You are going to take bigger, more careful steps as you go! And Leon can not follow you, not yet!"

Alora sighed as she got down low to the ground, staring at the deathtrap before her. Leon didn't say a word, but Alora could hear him shaking behind her. Alora took one step, and then another. The rotting bridge creaked as she stepped, but Alora remained unfazed. She glanced up at her now struggling sister, and an unusual feeling filled her.

She had never felt like this before. She couldn't imagine what worry felt like over someone you hated, or thought you hated. She took another step and the board groaned. She was certain she heard a crack so she stepped slightly over it. She took note of Meeris arms slightly slipping.

"Meeri you have to try and roll your sleeves up!" "WHAT!?" "The cloth is making you slip more! Use your teeth or something!" Meeri came to the realization her sister is completely insane in every aspect. She released a disbelieving sigh, with a slight hint of nervous laughter. But she knew she had to try.

As Meeri tried to roll her sleeves up with her teeth and cautious movements, Alora was just a few steps from her. A slight breeze shook the bridge and she froze. Meeri stopped moving, unsuccessful in Alora's plan. Then the birds started to fly around aggressively as the wind blew.

They cawed above, screaming warning over and over. They flew all around the bridge, almost hitting the sisters as they went around. Alora ducked lower while Meeri tried to cover her face. But it wasn't helpful as one bird managed to run right into her. Its beak cut into Meeris hand and it got stuck on her hair. Meeri tried to stay still as Alora took one step closer.

Alora was just two big steps from Meeri at this point but the birds wouldn't go away. they fully circled the bridge, still screaming over and over. One sounded louder than the other and the birds began to respond. Alora turned around to see Leon trying to whistle to the birds, mimicking them almost perfectly.

Only a few responded and left the bridge to investigate. Alora took that as her opportunity to not listen to Meeri and run- carefully. But Alora running while dodging birds made Meeri slip more. And more.

Neither sister could hear a thing anymore. The breeze couldn't be felt and everything was a blur. It seemed like the birds just passed through them instead of around them. Meeri had fallen, and Alora had managed to grab her by just the edge of her sleeve.

They both sighed in relief and adrenaline filled their bodies. Alora reached her other hand down for Meeri to grab and began to pull her up. "Leon!" "The bridge!" "Fuck the bridge, get over here!" Leon silently swore to himself as he made his way across the bridge. Alora had Meeri basically sitting on her foot for extra support while Leon came over.

Leon stayed angled sideways to avoid full weight where they were. He helped Alora pull Meeri back up and they all quickly put some distance between themselves. Meeri was hunched over, already trying to erase what happened from her mind. "You actually saved my life?"

Alora wiped her sisters blood on her pants as she said "of course I did. If you're going to die it better be fighting me." "Even when I'm about to die your ego prevails huh?" "Always." Meeri rolled her eyes as she stood up straight. "Fuck those birds." Meeri flipped off the ones still flying around them as she carefully walked the rest of the way.

Alora followed behind once Meeri was off, and then Leon went. "As much as I don't want to admit it, I now seriously owe you." "You can start by being straight forward from now on." "As long as you don't kill me for it anyway." "No guarantees." "I expected that much."

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