setting fire to the rain

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Alora knew there was possibly no way out of this alive. She was on the sail of souls, the destroyers ship. Nobody survived. Sometimes, not even the crew did. Alora's thoughts raced as she quietly walked throughout the ship. She was constantly dodging in and out of rooms to avoid being caught.

Alora kept thinking about the boy, Miles. She heard him on her ship and he didn't sound like he belonged here. But did anyone? The candles flickered as the boat rocked. Any little lights used kept going out. Alora was well aware of the incoming storm before she jumped into a barrel of beer. She hoped it would work in her favor, by not killing her when she escapes.

The boat rocked even harder this time. Alora fell into the wall, knocking a candle down. She kept walking, ignoring the flame behind her. Alora stumbled through the halls, catching onto anything she could. There was a voice she recognized in the distance. They were yelling about the fire she had caused moments earlier.

"What do we do?!" The panicked boy asked. "Everyone get water now! Tell the captain what's going on!" So many footsteps ran past Alora. When the pirates had disappeared, Alora stepped out of the room she hid in. She only made it a few steps before bumping into someone. He looked terrified, he didn't know what to say.

"If you're not going to rat me out then get out of my way." Alora shoved past the frightened boy. "Did you start the fire?" "Technically the storm did for making me trip." "I have to turn you in to the captain!" "Good luck with that, glasses." Alora started making pace again when the boy spoke once more.

"If you go that way they'll catch you." "I thought you were gonna turn me in?" "I-" "that other man was right, you are soft." Alora waited for him to say something, which she didn't usually do. But part of her felt bad for the kid. Being stuck where he didn't belong. She knew that feeling all too well.

Alora was looking at him, but he was no longer looking at her. He was looking past her towards the approaching killers. "what do ye' got 'ere boy?" A tall, doomful man spoke from behind Alora. Her heart skipped a beat but she stood her ground. "I just found her here, captain."

Captain. The destroyer. Alora slowly turned around to face the ruthless murderer behind her. She didn't flinch as he yelled "did ye' start the fire on MY ship!?" She remained calm, silent, and unmoving. She didn't feel fear. "she says technically the storm did." "The storm?" "For making her trip, sir." The destroyer laughed in Alora's face.

"So she thinks she's smart, does she?" She is, and she knew that. But sometimes she does things that are not. "I'm surprised you know what that means." "Excuse me? Do you know who i am?" She did, and she knew she was signing her death warrant. "The destroyer. I've heard many tales regarding your unnecessary actions."

The captain studied her. His face was unreadable. If he could smell the literal death on her, he didn't show it. Though, he probably was used to the smell. "you're coming with me." He finally spoke. "if you're going to kill me just do it." "Where's the fun in that?" He laughed and turned on his heels. Alora followed behind.


The captain took her to the deck of the ship. Alora analyzed her surroundings, preparing another escape plan. She spotted four life boats she could easily drop into the water. Her only concern really was how to avoid being shot at or followed. Alora was pulled from her thoughts when she almost walked right into the captain's back. He opened the door to a bedroom.

"Welcome to my humble home." The destroyer chuckled to himself. Alora took in her surroundings. The immediate smell of death filled her nose. The source was confirmed when she spotted a boar's rotting head hanging above a sitting area. The couches were old and torn, breakable if anyone sat on it wrong. Or at all. To her left was the bed. Bear fur acted as a blanket and pillows had blood on the edges. Alora didn't want to know what they were stuffed with.

She stood in the middle of the room as the destroyer spoke to his men. Alora didn't listen in for once because she didn't want to hear how she would die. If that was the case anyway. The destroyer sent his men out of the room and told Alora to sit. She lightly sat at the edge of one of the couches, not only hoping it wouldn't collapse, but also so she can be ready to run or dodge at any second.

"What's your name." "That's classified." "I doubt it. If you wanna be a captain everyone has to know your name." "Who says i want to be one? Or that I'm not one already?" She wasn't really, though. She only had Jace and Jasper on a tiny ship. She was nothing and she knew it.

"I would say you sneaking onto my boat, from your boat, would imply you at least want to be a pirate." "I just want to go home." Where's home?" "I don't know." It was true. Alora couldn't remember anything about where she was from. All she could see when she thought about home was fire, and the screams in the air. She didn't want to remember.

"Well how are you gonna get somewhere you don't know?" "Because i know someone who does. And that's all you need to know." She spat coldly at the horrible man before her. He just 'hmm'd' and not even a moment later, put a knife to Alora's throat.

She didn't react. She didn't swallow or breathe. She didn't move. In her mind, she didn't exist momentarily. She just looked at the man before her. He was studying her, looking for any sign of familiarity. He felt it but he couldn't see it. "My name is Captain Hadeon. You are on my ship, that you snuck onto, and you will answer my questions."

Hadeon, destroyer. It made sense now to Alora. "Yes sir." Is all she could say, sarcastically of course. Hadeon sat back down in his chair, also careful not to break it. "Now again, what is your name?" "Alora" "Alora, what?" "Alora Kjartan." She rolled her eyes. But the captain's eyes on the other hand, glistened. As if realization hit him.

What did the brutal butcher know about her?

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