The surprisingly useful navigator

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It was starting to get dark and Alora and Leon still haven't hit new land. Alora was starting to grow frustrated over Leon's navigational tactics, which was basically doing nothing. She needed to get back to Addersmell and find what she was looking for.

"You've been violently shaking your leg for like 20 minutes now. You're not having sugar withdrawals are you?" Alora just shot him an irritated look and Leon turned around pretending he said nothing. Leon leaned over the side of the ship and looked into the water. After a few moments Alora finally spoke.

"Your sailing tactic is proving useless." "It takes time to get places you know." "It would take less time if you actually knew where you were going." "My ship, my sailing ideas." "Your idea is as stupid as you are and i genuinely cannot think of one crime you would've been capable of committing to be wanted."

Leon felt a twinge of hurt over Alora's comment. What could he have possibly done to make her entire attitude towards him suddenly shift? He barely said a word to her since they got on the ship. "I just saved your life. If anyone did something stupid it was you for recklessly killing a man in front of twenty other people."

Alora scoffed as she stood up to go into the ship and towards her temporary room. "And you're just as stupid for assuming I wanted you to save my life, I didn't." Leon just rolled his eyes and bit his lip in frustration. Every muscle in his neck tensed as he stared at the floor, still slightly able to see Alora walking away.


It was night time and Alora sat at a table drawing a map of Addersmell. She kept staring at the Graveyard, tracing over the symbols she had seen with her finger over and over. She needed to find someone who could read them.

A knock sounded at her door and she ignored it. "I know you're not asleep. I've been listening to you angrily grunting over something for the past hour." Alora sighed in defeat, knowing he wouldn't go away. She got up to open her door and just looked at Leon.

"Evening captain." "Shouldn't i be calling you that?" "Do you want to?" Leon smirked and Alora simply turned away and sat back down at her table. Leon followed and took a seat across from her. "You can draw maps?" "Yeah?"  "And you just didn't say anything." "I didn't think you knew what a map was considering you've never used one."

Leon nodded, understanding she was still mad. "I have used a map actually. I just don't need one." "Us still being in the middle of the ocean says otherwise." "I like to live a free life, letting the ocean guide me. Is that the crime you think I'm guilty of?" Alora pinched the bridge of her nose, wondering how she got stuck with such an insufferable idiot.

"You're guilty of being a pain in everyone's ass, that is certain." "Fair enough." Leon smiled and looked down at the map. "Why do you have those symbols drawn on there?" "Because i seen them in the graveyard." Leon was now the confused looking one, but Alora immediately copied his facial expression.

"Do you know what they mean?" "No, but I'm trying to figure it out." Leon sat back and quickly leaned forward again processing what Alora had said. "you went into the cemetery?" "Yeaaah?" "That's what you were running from." Alora's face dropped, he at least saw her running from the place she had deemed cursed. She ran into him because he was going there, not just by coincidence.

"What do you know about it?" "What did you see?" "I asked you first." "I asked you second." "That doesn't even-" "what did you see Alora?" Leon's face was serious. He was never serious so Alora decided to just answer.

"I thought the place looked odd, the green glowing plants, the unusual looking vines growing around the stones. Symbols were on the ground, made of stone. But they just, they-" "disappeared?" Alora could only nod. What did he know?

"You ran out of there because you saw something didn't you?" "Ghosts are not real." " Ghost is not the word i would use for what is in there." Alora couldn't agree more. She didn't know what it was. "What do you know about the cemetery? Can you read the symbols?" Leon nodded, he knew what she was looking for.

"Who told you to come to Addersmell?" "The one and only captain of the sail of souls." "You met the destroyer, and lived?" "It's a long story." Alora internally cringed remembering what she had to do to get onto the boat.

"That's a story i want to hear one day. But for now I think we have more important matters." Alora just looked at him and waited for him to get to the point, despite knowing he likes to take his time. Leon just shook his head trying to understand why Alora was looking for this thing.

"The symbols are directions to something that nobody has seen in years. Nobody wants to see it. If the wrong hands opened the box it would destroy everything again." "Why would something so dangerous be in a town like Addersmell?" "Because the light has kept it hidden. Nobody has been able to see those symbols in over twenty years Alora."

Every time he said her name she felt like it was going to get worse. And it would. Leon continued "No one besides me and one other person. Captain soul sucker." Alora knew Leon was making jokes to try and Brighten the mood, but Alora didn't react in the slightest. She just wanted him to keep talking.

"And now you have. I don't know if there are others who can, and maybe have never said anything, but whatever reason Hadeon sent you after it, it's probably not good." "So you're saying Hadeon sent me to find a stupid evil box, for what?"

"That I don't know. What exactly did he say to you?" "He only said I would find what I was looking for in Addersmell, and I would know if I seen it." "He didn't say to bring it back to him?" "When has he ever been known to request things be brought to him. He's basically a pirate hunter, if someone has what he wants, he'll go after it."

For the first time Leon looked scared. It almost looked strange seeing him this unhappy. "Redraw the map of Addersmell. Just the outline and the landscape." "Why?" "I'm taking us back there, and we're going to meet a friend of mine." "So you do know how to navigate the ocean?" "Surprise."

Leon's smile returned to his face as he stood up to leave. Alora felt relief again and slightly smiled herself. She started to draw the map again as Leon left to turn the boat around. Alora was finally going on her first real adventure, and for the first time, she felt anxious.

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