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Cyrus fixed his gaze upon the DogHouse, an enigmatic structure lurking in the distance. But he continued his journey toward the villain base.

"Delivery's here!" Cyrus declared, his hands deftly balancing a precarious stack of pizza boxes and Bloxy Cola crates.

Scarlett's face lit up with gratitude. "You're the best, brother!"

Setting the delectable cargo upon the kitchen table, the team eagerly swarmed around the feast. Cecil, in a moment of unchecked appetite, attempted to grab two slices of pizza from the same box, only to face a swift reprimand from Liam.

"Ouch! What's the matter?!" Cecil inquired.

Liam, uncompromising, retorted, "Take only one, you greedy noob!"

"Okay... Okay..."

Nolan, displaying his prescient wisdom, preserved a solitary slice of pizza for later, and Cyrus abstained from indulging in the two slices he'd claimed for himself.

With renewed energy courtesy of their meal, they recommenced training for Wave Two. Liam started weightlifting while Nolan started running on the treadmill, once again.

Meanwhile, Cyrus, Scarlett, and Lucas embarked on an exploration of the uncharted territories within the villain base, while Cecil remained idle.

Nolan couldn't resist a taunt at Cecil's expense, urging, "If you wanna survive Wave Two, then you gotta workout, Mr. Hacker!"

Cecil chuckled nonchalantly. "Nah... I think I'll be just fine."

Cecil took out his admin phone and started increasing his speed and strength.

“See..?” he chuckled again.

In a fit of frustration, Nolan intensified his workout on the treadmill, as if running could somehow banish his vexation.

Lucas ventured into a room previously sealed off during Wave One. Inside, he discovered two vending machines – one stocked with sustenance and the other with weapons.

"Huh? What's this?" Lucas queried aloud.

"It looks like a vending machine," Cyrus explained. "Remember those purgers we defeated during Wave One?"

"Yeah... What about them?"

"They had a few bucks in their pockets. I think if we—"

Cyrus inserted a twenty-dollar bill into the weapon vending machine, which promptly dispensed a glistening golden crowbar.

"Wow, we can buy stronger weapons and food from these vending machines," Lucas marveled.

Cyrus then noticed another notice board, akin to the one by the gym, featuring an image of a broom.

According to our researchers, this weapon is the strongest for purge.” Cyrus read aloud.

"We must get the broom, right?" Lucas asked.

Cyrus pondered the predicament. "Yeah, but how?"

"There, there. I think I can solve that problem!" Uncle Pete chimed in mysteriously.


"Hehe... But nothing is free," Uncle Pete cryptically remarked. "If yeh' want money, then we must defeat all the purgers upstairs."

"All 50?!"

"Come on, ya' all can defeat them easily, right? Just train a bit and you're good to go."

Heeding Uncle Pete's call to arms, Liam and Nolan abandoned their workout and ascended the right staircase. The purgers were still being released one by one through the back door. They engaged a few in combat, but after a while, the backdoor ceased to spew forth adversaries.

Within the Maintenance Room, Scary Mary's patience waned as she confronted the trembling purgers. "What's your problem?! Why aren't you even trying to fight that group of noobs?!"

The terrified purgers seemed unresponsive until she resorted to doubling their payment.

“Urgh!! Fine! I'll double your payment! Now go and fight them, cowards!”

Oddly enough, the prospect of more money rekindled their fighting spirit, and they started emerging from the maintenance room once again.

"Hey... Have you noticed the purgers are suddenly carrying double the money?" Nolan asked Liam.

"Yeah... Anyway, whatever happened, it's a good thing they do," Liam remarked, his focus unwavering.

Meanwhile, after spotting the familiar notice board near the vending machines, Cyrus suddenly recollected Twado's name. He ventured outside to the doghouse, intrigued by the enigmatic Guardian.

"Guard Dog... Sounds intriguing," he mused upon entering the DogHouse, only to be greeted by a diminutive, white pup.

"Hello there. Are you Twado?" Cyrus inquired, but Twado appeared listless, devoid of energy.

"I suppose you're hungry..." Cyrus discerned.

Recalling Twado's affinity for pizza, he carefully extended a slice. With a single voracious bite, Twado devoured the offering and then began frolicking around Cyrus, a newfound bond forming between them.

"You're a fine companion," Cyrus acknowledged as Twado directed his attention toward a box in the doghouse.

"Hmm? What's this?" Cyrus pondered, discovering a medkit.

"Now, that's something useful," he remarked.

With the medkit in tow, Cyrus set out with Twado to return to the villain base. However, an unexpected slip on the icy path left Twado aloof once more.

"It's alright," Cyrus reassured his loyal companion. He extended his second and final slice of pizza, and together, they resumed their journey. Eventually, they arrived back at the villain base, only to find a new 45-minute timer counting down on the television screen.

"Cyrus! You're back just in time," Lucas informed him. "Wave Two is on the way."

A/N: Sorry for the late update.

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