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After conquering the Pizza Guy, the group immersed themselves in familiar routines of training, combat, and exploration. Cyrus and Nolan, sweat-drenched, were doing workout. Upstairs, Liam resumed battling the purgers. Lucas and Cecil, restocked weapons and snacks from the vending machines. Scarlett, however, whimsically licked her lollipop, leaping around the house with playful abandon.

Gradually, the fifty purgers in the maintenance room met their defeat.

Liam, catching his breath, mused, "Oh well, seems like we did it."

"Hehe, really. Ya'all defeated everyone," Uncle Pete remarked, appearing unexpectedly.

Liam greeted him, "Oh, hey there, Uncle Pete."

"Yeh' really defeated all fifty purgers. So, as promised, here are 250 bucks for ya'all." Uncle Pete scattered bundles of money across the floor.

Liam, astonished, asked, "Wait, how are you so rich?"

"Hehe, that would be my secret!" Uncle Pete chuckled. "But, yeh' really did the most work, kid. For that, I really have nothing else to actually give yeh'. But, still, take this."

He handed Liam a small, grey-colored mouse. Confused, Liam asked, "Wha- What's this?"

"That's my Louie. Not that much, but my most prized possession. Please, take care of him," Uncle Pete said before leaving.

Liam, contemplating the mysterious gift, looked at the still-locked maintenance room door. Eagerly, he swung his baseball bat, mimicking his earlier triumph with the kitchen door. Inside, a lone vending machine caught his attention, revealing a yellow outfit that could serve as armor.

"Everyone! Look what I've found!" Liam called out, and Lucas and Cecil joined him in the discovery.

"It requires just 150 bucks to buy it!" Lucas exclaimed.

The three of them obtained the yellow armor from the vending machine.

Curious about the whereabouts of the other three, Liam inquired, "By the way, where are the kids?"

Lucas replied, "Well, Nolan and Cyrus were at the gym... But, where is Scarlett?"

Meanwhile, Scarlett, buzzing with sugar rush, joyfully hopped near the gym. Her lollipop, nearly depleted, caught her attention. Spotting a ladder nearby, she ascended to a flat platform with a ledge overlooking the main hall. There was a large gap in the ledge.

"Ooh, Obby!" she exclaimed, licking her lollipop one last time. As she was on a sugar rush, Scarlett jumped over the gap in the ledge and landed safely on the other end.

Energized, she continued forward, stumbling upon a hidden compartment where a tall man in a coat and hat lay asleep on the couch. In front of him, a board displayed various images connected with wires, piquing Scarlett's curiosity.

“Hmm..? Who's that..?”

Scarlett cautiously approached the slumbering man, but even her presence failed to rouse him. Suddenly, Lucas's voice echoed through the room.

"Scarlett! Where are you?!" Lucas's urgency prompted Scarlett to respond.

"I'm up the ladder! There's a strange man sleeping here..." Scarlett called back.

"What?!" Lucas hurriedly climbed the ladder, followed closely by Liam. As they arrived, they assessed the gap between the ledge and the compartment where Scarlett was.

"Sheesh... That's quite a jump..." Liam remarked, eyeing the distance.

Scarlett, however, spotted a metallic ladder resting against the wall within the compartment.

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