Golden Apple

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Lucas scanned the room, assessing everyone's injuries with a growing sense of urgency.

"No... What do I do..?" he muttered to himself in worry.

"Well... That's quite a dilemma," observed Cecil, taking stock of the situation.

"Thank goodness, you're okay, Cecil!" Lucas remarked, relieved to see someone unharmed.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Brother. It's my fault," Scarlett's voice wavered as she descended the stairs, visibly distressed.

"Scarlett, it's not your fault. We need to focus on finding a way to help them," Lucas urged her gently.

"Ow! Despite the bruises, I can still walk," Nolan grimaced as he tried to rise, indicating his injuries but displaying resilience.

"Nolan.. Well, at least you're still conscious..." Lucas looked a little relieved yet again, "But.. We need to find a way to heal the others."

"There is a way, although it's risky," Detective Bradley's voice broke the tense silence, surprising everyone.

"Mr. Detective!" Scarlett exclaimed, astonished at his sudden recovery.

"What the- Aren't you supposed to be stunned?!" Nolan exclaimed.

"Okay, that's one tough detective we've got," Cecil quipped, impressed.

"What's the way, Detective?" Lucas asked, eager for a solution.

"Well... There's a rare bush nearby that grows a unique fruit, the Golden Apple," Detective Bradley revealed. "It produces only one Golden Apple a day and is said to cure any ailment, almost like a miraculous healing fruit."

"Hold on a minute.. Isn't it the same Golden Apple the Pizza Guy mentioned?!" Cecil remembered.

"We need that Golden Apple then!" Scarlett asserted, determined to help their wounded companions.

"But where is this bush?" Lucas inquired urgently.

"It's right near the main road," Detective Bradley explained, "but the path isn't exactly... Easy. You see, the storm... It's still going on and the winds are very strong near the main road."

"We can't just leave them suffering like this," Scarlett insisted, worry etched on her face.

"We'll go," Lucas decided, showing his resolve. "Scarlett, stay here and watch over everyone. We'll retrieve that apple."

Nolan stepped forward, determined to join the mission, but Lucas hesitated, concerned about his injuries.

"No, Nolan, your injuries..." Lucas began.

"I can.. I can go! I can-" Nolan attempts to get up, but immediately falls back down, "Oh... Okay... I guess I can't..."

"Don't worry." Lucas assured him, "Just stay here, we'll be back soon."

"'We'?" Nolan skeptically stared at Cecil, remembering how he was reluctant to help in turning on the generator earlier.

"Well.. I guess we really need that Golden Apple now.. I'll come along." Cecil said.

"Unexpected..." Nolan said aloud.

"Wh-what do you possibly mean by that?!" Cecil bantered back.

"Alright, let's move!" Lucas declared, and they set off in search of the elusive Golden Apple.

As they emerged from the villain base into the hailstorm, Lucas noticed the storm had calmed earlier, but now it intensified, seemingly conspiring against their quest for the Golden Apple.

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