Pizza Boss Battle

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A While Earlier:

As Nolan stormed out of the villain base, the team continued their training for Wave Three. Meanwhile, Cecil's curiosity drew him to a mysterious door in the kitchen, sealed with four locks.

"Hey, what's this door?" Cecil inquired, prompting Lucas to join him.

"It seems to be locked... Maybe we can-" Lucas attempted to break it open with his hammer but failed as he was too weak for that.

"Seems like we can't get inside," he admitted.

Liam chuckled in the distance and stepped forward with his baseball bat. "Step aside, Mr. Medic!" With a powerful swing, he shattered the locks, declaring, "And that's how it's done! Haha! I defeated you!" Liam quoted Lucas's earlier words.

Lucas retorted, "Are you seriously still competing? You're so childish!" Lucas quoted Liam's words back.

Cecil sighed, "Those two will never change.”

“By the way, what's inside here?" Cyrus, curious as well, entered the unlocked door, revealing a purger wearing a chef's hat, engrossed in making a special pizza.

"Um... Hello...?" Cyrus greeted, but the pizza guy remained focused on his culinary creation.

"Yeah yeah, I know I know! You're very hungry," the pizza guy mumbled, "Wait a little, my special Golden Pizza will be served soon."

“Golden Pizza..?”

“Yes..” The Pizza Guy said, “It's special ingredient is the legendary Golden Apple which grows only once per day near here. Now let me work!”

Cyrus found it strange, but Scarlett exclaimed, "Golden Pizza sounds nice!"

“Oh.. I can't wait any longer!”

Cecil couldn't resist and grabbed a slice. The pizza guy stopped abruptly, annoyed. "Urgh! Really, couldn't you wait a little-" He paused, realizing who they were. "Hang on... You all! You all are the noobs who broke into our base!"

“Uh oh...” Scarlett panicked, "You angered him!"

The pizza guy, enraged, began spinning and throwing chili peppers.

"How do we even defeat this purger?!" they wondered. Suddenly, Nolan entered the villain base, holding Scary Larry's items.

"Hey, guys! You know what—What is that?!" Nolan exclaimed, witnessing the pizza boss battle.

"Nolan! Help us defeat the Pizza Guy!!" Scarlett urgently called out.

The battle against the Pizza Guy raged on, the kitchen turning into a chaotic battlefield.

"Hang on... I got it!" Cyrus shouted, revealing the strategy, "He gets dizzy after spinning for a while!"

With newfound knowledge, they deftly dodged the Pizza Guy's attacks, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. The kitchen echoed with the clatter of weapons and the occasional yelp as chili peppers rained down.

After a fierce struggle, they successfully defeated the Pizza Guy.

"Phew! Well... That was a whole workout," Liam remarked.

"Cecil! What were you thinking?!" Lucas scolded.

"Seriously, Mr. Hacker! How many times will you screw up?!" Nolan voiced his frustration.

"Calm down... Calm down... Besides, he was a purger too. We would've fought him sooner or later," Cecil defended himself.

"Still... We could've avoided an unprepared battle," Liam added.

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