Wave Three

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The group stood in the main hall, a tense hush enveloping them as they eyed the entrance, armed and ready. Scarlett, clutching her silver crowbar, remained a steadfast presence among the group equipped with various weapons.

The timer ticked away, the animation outside displaying the van's arrival right at the entrance of the villain base.

"Here they come," Liam muttered, his voice tinged with apprehension.

The base's entrance swung open, revealing nine imposing figures-four on the left, four on the right, and a solitary behemoth in the middle, each wielding a formidable golden crowbar.

The formation was unnerving-four purgers on each side, two positioned at the front and two at the rear. But the central purger was a striking anomaly, occupying the space typically designated for four purgers, exuding a dominating presence.

The massive, solitary figure loomed ominously, his sheer size and breadth setting him apart from the rest. Each purger held a golden crowbar, an evident upgrade from the previous encounters.

The sight sent a wave of unease through the group, the daunting odds evident as they prepared to face this new, more formidable challenge.
As the battle commenced, their upgraded weapons allowed them to swiftly overpower the crowbar-wielding purgers, swiftly dispatching eight of them without much trouble. The Colossal Purger remained oddly passive during this onslaught.

However, as they neared victory against the other purgers, the behemoth-sized adversary suddenly erupted into a frenzied state. It was as if they had entered a boss battle in a video game; their attacks barely seemed to register on the hulking figure.

"Come on!! Why isn't the hippo taking any damage?!" Cecil gasped between breaths, trying to comprehend their predicament.

"How is he so strong?!! How do we even hurt this thing?!!" Nolan exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice.

"I.... I... I can't take this!! I CAN'T TAKE THIS!!! I'M SCARED!!!!"

Scarlett, despite her efforts to act mature, succumbed to panic. Her face reddened with fear, her voice escalating into a desperate scream. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop..." she continued shouting uncontrollably, unable to contain her mounting terror.
Lucas whispered to himself in dismay, "Oh no... Not now, Scarlett..."

Despite their urgent battle, Scarlett's distress continued to escalate, her cries piercing through the chaos as she struggled to contain her overwhelming emotions.

"No, Scarlett, please! You need to calm down!" Liam urged, attempting to console her while narrowly evading a strike from the relentless Colossal Purger.

In the midst of her panic, Scarlett began hyperventilating, her fear and anxiety reaching an unbearable peak.

"Hey... Hey, Scarlett... Scarlett, look at me!" Cyrus stepped forward, trying to catch her attention amidst the chaos of the ongoing fight. His voice remained calm, a soothing presence amid the turmoil surrounding them.

"Scarlett," he began softly, "listen to me. You're safe. We're all here with you. We need you to focus, okay? Breathe with me. In... and out. In... and out." He spoke gently, guiding her through calming breaths as he continued to soothe her frayed nerves.

"I-In... Out... In..." Scarlett repeated shakily, following Cyrus's guidance as she struggled to regain her composure amidst the chaos.

"Great. You're doing great," Cyrus encouraged, his voice a steady reassurance. "Feeling better?"

Scarlett nodded silently, her voice trembling, "Yes, brother..."

"Perfect! Now just-"

"CYRUS!!! WATCH OUT!!!!" Lucas's voice suddenly pierced through the clamor, a stark warning cutting through the momentary calm.

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