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Detective Bradley introduced himself to Nolan, Cyrus, and Cecil, elucidating his ongoing investigation into the purgers.

“We can talk later,” Liam interjected, shifting the focus. “Right now, we need to turn on the generator.”

“But... Where is it, exactly?” Lucas inquired, seeking direction.

“I know!” Nolan exclaimed, recalling his earlier exploration. “When I was walking outside, I saw the generator just near this villain base, slightly to the right!”

“Then what are we waiting for? Let's turn the power back on!” Liam urged impatiently.

“You need to do it quick, then,” Lucas stressed. “Wave Three must be on the way.”

“Wave Three?” Detective Bradley interjected, bewildered by the term.

“Um... When we entered the villain base, there was a live broadcast from the villains saying that they are preparing three waves of backup,” Cyrus explained. “We have successfully defeated two waves of them... And now, Wave Three is on the way.”

“I see... Then there's indeed little time left.”

“We need to be quick. Cyrus, Nolan, stay here with Scarlett. Lucas, Cecil, come with me,” Liam ordered.

“H-hey! Why do I have to accompany you all of a sudden?” Cecil queried, taken aback by the sudden change.

“Well... We need to prioritize the generator for now,” Liam justified.

“Th-then... Shouldn't ALL of us accompany you?” Cecil suggested.

“Well... We're the adults here...” Lucas responded. “It's rude to give work to children and old people.”

“Ow... None taken,” Uncle Pete interjected upon hearing 'old people'.

“But, I'm not that old...” Detective Bradley chimed in, “I'll come along.”

“Alright then. Enough wasting time, let's go now!” Liam, Lucas, and Detective Bradley led the charge toward the generator situated just outside the villain base. Cecil followed them, still reluctant about going out in the storm.

“That's strange...” Cecil exclaimed as he moved closer to inspect the setup, his earlier reluctance forgotten.

“What's strange?” Liam inquired.

“Just what kind of generator is it?!” Cecil pointed, noticing three workout bicycles wired to the generator.

“I see no problem,” Liam nonchalantly replied, earning a quizzical look from the others.

“No problem?! Since when do generators have bicycles attached to them?!” Lucas remarked, baffled by the setup.

“It really is a little strange...” Detective Bradley remarked. “But, I have to admit, it's really impressive... Would save a lot of money.”

“Does that matter right now? We have to turn this generator on, not advertise it!” Lucas urged.

"Then I guess we need to workout a little," Liam suggested, hopping onto one of the bicycles and starting to pedal. The power meter in the generator gradually filled up.

"Come on! Help me!" Liam called out.

Lucas and Cecil joined him on the remaining bicycles, all pedaling furiously. Soon, the meter gauge reached its maximum, and the lights flickered back on.

“That was... *Huff* ... Tiring... *Huff*” Liam wiped the sweat from his forehead.

“Let's go back inside... Before the hailstones crack open our skulls!” Lucas proposed, and they hastened back indoors.

“Welcome back,” Cyrus greeted them. “Scarlett was a little afraid of the dark, but she's alright now that the power is back on.”

“I wasn't afraid!” Scarlett protested.

“Yes, you were. And it's better if you now start to act more like a twelve-year-old rather than a little child!” Nolan scolded, struggling to contain his frustration with Scarlett's behavior.

“But... I...”

“Just let her be, Nolan... Calm down. She'll catch up in time,” Lucas advised.

“*Sigh* No... I'm sorry, Nolan. You're right. But, Scarlett's a slow learner, so please understand,” Cyrus interjected.

“.... Right. I'm sorry, Scarlett,” Nolan apologized. “I really have to control my temper.”

“And Scarlett... We're not pressurizing you or something, but try not to act too childish or reckless,” Cyrus gently urged. “Can you do that for me?”

“... Yes, big brother.”


“Um... Sorry to break your reunion but... What's that supposed to mean?” Detective Bradley pointed at the television screen showing a countdown of forty-five minutes. It displayed an animation of a van heading straight for the villain base.

“Oh no...” Liam's voice wavered.

Wave Three is on the way.”

A/N: Sorry for the late update.. (Again :p)

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