The Visitation

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Chapter 3

You woke up with an intense throbbing in your head. "Ugh what a weird dream." you said while moping out of bed and rubbing the temples on the side of your head. Lyney came bursting through the door. "Love come quick! 'Father' has arrived in Fontaine!" You were shocked to hear this news, you knew "Father" was coming to Fontaine, but you didn't know so quickly. You were only informed of this a couple days ago. You nodded your head at Lyney and Lyney nodded back. That news made you get out of your depressed state from that nightmare you had last night. Just what was that dream and where did it come from? You didn't have time to ponder those thoughts at the moment, you needed to get ready to meet "Father" and find out her plans.

You got ready as soon as possible and got into position to greet "Father". Arlecchino walked into the Hotel Bouffes d'ete in all her glory. "Hello children." Arlecchino sat in a chair and crossed her legs. "I have a mission for all of you." You all bowed in unison and awaited your orders. "I have attempted to take the Hydro Gnosis from the Hydro Archon Furina and have had a meeting with her and Monsieur Neuvillette." She raised her hand in a thinking position. "I have deducted that Lady Furina does not have the Gnosis and that it may be in the Fortress of Meropide, I would also like you to look into Childe's disappearance." "Yes 'Father'!" everyone said in unison. Arlecchino smiled and stood up. "I look forward to hearing back from you." Arlecchino then soon left which eased the tension that was building up in the room. You had a worried expression on your face. You honestly weren't expecting "Father" to include you on a mission this big. Everybody seemed to have relaxed a bit once "Father" left. Maybe this was a good time to talk to Lyney?

You tapped Lyney on the shoulder, "Hey Lyney I would like to speak with you." Jeez, you have known both Lyney and Lynette since forever and it seems like this was the most difficult thing you've ever done. "Of course dear! Just give me a second, I can speak with you in the room over there." He pointed at the dark room that was filled with boxes that you all used as a storage room. You nodded your head and made your way to the room and lit a candle. You sat on an old couch and dusted off your clothes trying your best to breathe in and out, calming down your nerves. After a few minutes of waiting Lyney soon walked into the dim lit room and sat on an old chair across from you. "What did you need to talk to me about?" He crossed his legs and sat up right leaning into your general direction. 

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