lee know (minho)(requested)

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acrophobia is the intense fear of heights.


Lee minho had never thought or even imagined that his first ever drama appreance could leave some scares in his heart despite the joy he had filming it.

It started when jyp entertainment accepted an acting offer for minho and hyunjin to be in action drama after of declining all the offer they receive for years. giving them bith a chance to appear in the acting industry and to show their own solo talents in it.

When the news got posted on all of their media platforms, stays were so happy and congratulated them , and even made edits and possible scripts of the drama , not to mention spreading it on their accounts for everyone to see.

Their leader hugged them tightly in the dorm and made sure they know how much he was proud of them , the other members throwing a small party celebrating the good news.

The drama was about two siblings who once lived happily together became each other's biggest enemy as a result of a misunderstanding occurred between them in the past that broke their bond.

They had life or death fights multiple times that were stopped by someone or something happened in the city . until one day , the older sibling who was acted by Lee know , managed to figure out the truth behind everything and found out that it was just a misunderstanding through a mission he was on. ever since then , he took care of the younger from afar.

However , the younger one who acted by hyunjin , still believe it instead of being convinced by his older brother , leading to them fight despite the older not wanting to do so.

They were filming the scene where hyunjin's character found out the truth and went to meet his brother in their childhood home that was close to a cliff far from the city , Lee know turned to face him when the director yelled 'action'.

"welcome , my dear brother . I've waiting for you here for so long" he said , with a thin smile on his face.

"you...that's why you didn't fight as usual anymore? and yet... I didn't believe you when I should've! " the younger voice got higher as he spoke , his voice full of pain.

"Is there any chance anymore?..... for us to be brothers again..." he then asked , his tears falling down .

"there'll always be a chamce for us to do that my dear brother , now that we discovered those people's wrongdoings , we can fight together ... just like the old days. what do you say , little one?" Lee know replied according to his script , his smile wilder and brighter .

The other immediately ran to wrap him in a tight embrace , his tears still falling down , he could feel a hand playing woth his hair. an action he missed for so long.

And out of nowhere, the so called 'enemies' appeared, starting a new scene. the enemies surrounded them , leaving no chance for them to escape.

"I'm sorry , it seems they followed me without me feeling their presence"

"don't be , at least that gave us a chance for a sooner confrontation " the older replied . "you giving us the pleasure of meeting again and surrounding us in place like this means the possibility of wanting to end us both here , am I wrong?"

"no , on the contrary. you're actually correct , we can't let you join forces because that will be on our disadvantage" one of the black masked men answered as he took a few steps forward. "say goodbye to your life , you low lives"

"in your dreams! " hyunjin yelled , pulling his hooked chain swords "the ones losing are going to be you" .

Lee know pulled his sword out from his cane , a gun on another hand.

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