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    The studio had been quiet the entire night, only one person was there working on a project he had been anxious about its content.

    The clock showed it was five in the morning when he leaned back on his chair and took a look at the time on his laptop screen.

    Chan realized once again, that he didn't sleep for the third time this week, and his plan to tire himself to sleep failed miserably.

   If his memory was correct, he had an interview and a photo shoot with the other members from 6:40 am to 2 pm, giving him no chance to rest his eyes before work.

   He yawned as he grabbed his things and went back to the apartment where he was met with his three loud roommates chasing each other in the hall for some kind of snacks he couldn't recognize.

"Chan-hyung! Good morning"  Han, who was running away from a pissed-off changbin greeted.

"The bath is ready for you," Hyunjin told him with a low tone as he noticed how annoyed the older looks at the chaos.

    He immediately went to his room and grabbed some comfortable clothes and entered the bathroom, the door locked behind him.

   He didn't take long to get clean and walk out of the bath, taking a look at his face in the mirror, the circles under his eyes were deeper than usual which he knew the others would notice, and that's the last thing he wanted to see.

   He couldn't bring himself to tell them he had trouble sleeping once again, especially on their currently tight schedule which was stressing them all.

   He went back to his room fully clothed and put on some makeup to cover them and tried to make it look as natural as possible before heading to have breakfast with the others.

   Changbin and Hyunjin were talking about a drama they watched together when Han interrupted them with 'This is not what happened in the webtoon' and spoiled the show on them.

   They were so loud he had to control himself from yelling at them to be quiet. he was putting all the strength he had to keep eating and not ruin it for the others he didn't focus on their words at all.

   Eventually,  changbin had to snap him out of it as he told the others to be quiet.

"You alright?" he asked, his voice as low as he could make it.

"I-i'm alright Binnie, just a bit anxious about work" he lied with the first thing he thought of.

"I do understand where the stress can come from" Han spoke up, imitating Changbin's low voice.

"But , we're all in this together, you're not alone "

"As Hannie said, with the eight of us together, I'm sure we'll nail our interview and photoshoot "Hyunjin added with full confidence.

"If you ever feel too anxious, please come to one of us hyung" Changbin told him, raising his voice a bit but with a gentle tone.

  He couldn't help but smile at their words, he knew he lied to them, but somehow, their words gave him some kind of strength to hold into.

"Thank you guys,  I'll tell you if I need anything"

   Fast forward to the end of the photoshoot with Seungmin's turn, the others were in the waiting area in the room watching him and praising him, except for Chan who had been quiet ever since his turn was over, recalling what happened during the day.

  In the interview, the questions were easy as they were the usual ones about their journey to success and their future plans,  only some questions if the members had solo projects they were currently working on and some possible spoilers,  he was beyond grateful he could handle it professionally.

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