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Monday ~ October 16
"I don't understand any of this.."
Sunoo whined, he was sulking as he shut his computer screen down in frustration.

Jungwon looked at the boy next to him, he sighed and started writing down step-by-step on how to answer an equation similar to what would be on the test.

"Slowly do it dumbass, you rush through it, how are you gonna learn?"

Jungwon kept trying to show his slow learner friend how to do the work, they were in the library, while Niki was in the gym with the seniors, practicing with them, for only his second time.


"Hey guys! Happy late birthday Heeseung,"
Niki greeted his seniors, they were standing and chatting together.

Heeseung smiled, "thanks Niki!"

Everybody else greeted him, Sunghoon was quiet, he just waved at Niki.

They included Niki in the conversation, and Jake brung up the game they had with another school.

"Really? I didn't know.."
Niki felt a little nervous, he tried not to show it but it was pretty obvious.

"Well now you know, you better not make us look bad..-"

Jake quickly cleared his throat, Sunghoon was harsh, but saying that to a rookie, especially a freshmen, would make them even more anxious.

"Its nothing, you'll do great. Besides this school is nothing compared to us. We are going against other teams later on though, I think in December?" Jake looked at Jay, unsure of the date.

"Yeah I think December."

Niki nodded, he was glad they told him, he was starting to feel more comfortable, even if hes still incredibly new.

Sunghoon started walking away from the circle, going to grab the ball.

"Lets hurry up and play then, i'm tired."

They all broke up and started to play as Sunghoon said that, it went the same last time, Niki and Sunghoon were the blockers, against eachother.

It was supposed to be fun, but they also did have to focus, so be a little serious.

Except, Sunghoon was going harder than usual, Niki kept up, but that only made the Senior more competitive.

Coach wasn't there, hes been sick for a while, but on days he wasn't there, Sunghoon was in charge. So not much rules. They just kept the rule of play fair.


Sunghoons team ended up getting an extra point, everybody was tired, it felt like they were going back and forth for an hour.

They were all grabbing they're stuff, Sunghoon glanced over at Niki, even though he was younger, he still seemed alot less worn out compared to everyone else. So he was calmly packing his stuff up.

Sunghoon felt intimidated by Niki. He was just as good at volleyball, never fazed by anything, and..cause of seeing him with Sunoo.

"So hes gay? Why else would he be on a little date with Sunoo..gross,"
Sunghoon thought to himself.

Everybody said they're goodbyes, taking the exit to leave the school, but Niki was going to the school halls.

"Niki!" Sunghoon called out, the boy turned around, confused,

Sunghoon caught up to the younger boy, "where you going? Schools over?"

Niki paused for a moment before answering.

"Oh I was going to the library, Sunoo and Jungwon are there, they told me to go there once i'm done,"

"Ah, alright. See you tomorrow then,"

Niki smiled and waved, "bye"

They both walked opposite ways, light tension in the air.

Sunghoon didn't get angry easily, but definitely jealous. He didn't want to admit to himself that he was, he just covered it up by disgust. He just cleared it from his head as he walked back home.


"Niki just texted me practice is over, lets go then?"
Jungwon looked at Sunoo, who was happy to leave.

They packed up they're stuff, taking some books with them, for history and english.

They met up and started walking off campus, talking about everyones day.

"How'd practice go Niki?" Sunoo asked, looking up to him, all three of them were standing close to one another.

"Good, Sunghoon was kind of hard on me, but I think he and the others were just trying to prepare me."
Niki stared at the ground as he spoke, he didn't wanna overthink and get mad at his seniors.

Sunoo and Jungwon listened, Sunoo rolled his eyes.

"Hes so annoying, hes probably mad cause your better."

Niki smiled and looked at Sunoo for a bit before Jungwon asked,

"Don't you guys go against that lower class school?"

Niki nodded and had a surprised expression on his face,

"yeah, how'd you know?"

Sunoo looked at the boy aswell, how come he didn't hear about this?

"The cheerleaders were talking about it, and pretty loudly too, it was a weird conversation, I wish I could unhear it all.."

Sunoo laughed, "tell us more tomorrow during lunch, sounds interesting~"

Niki smiled, they had reached the bus stop Jungwon and Sunoo usually take, meaning he had to walk back a bit more.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow, walked past my stop.."

"Oh, sorry Niki..didn't realize"
Sunoo apologized, Niki just shook his head.

"Its fine, I didn't either, but I don't wanna miss it so see you!"

They exchanged goodbyes and let the younger boy go, Sunoo and Jungwon started gossiping a bit, stuff that would've made younger boy uncomfortable.

They got on the bus, paying and sitting at the back, it was always better to sit at the back.

There was a moment of comfortable silence before Sunoo quietly brought up what Niki had told them.

"..I thought for sure Sunghoon would like Niki, and be totally nice to him, is it cause he hangs out with us?"
Sunoo turned to Jungwon, wanting reassurance.

Jungwon looked at him back, before looking out the window.

"Maybe, we can't really do anything though, i'm sure they'll get along. Its impossible to hate someone on the same team as you."

Sunoo sunk in his seat, listening to what his bestfriend had to say. He did agree though.

"True, I shouldn't worry then?"

Jungwon hummed, still staring at the trees outside.


(Super rushed..sorey..(′︿‵。) theres gonna be like a billion more parts though soo..)
1000 words♡

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