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Sunoo was sitting at his desk, trying to study a bit since he wasn't gonna attend school until Monday.

He heard a soft knock at the door, immediately recognizing it.

"Come in!"

He smiled, turning his chair towards his sister as she walked in, sitting at the edge of his bed.

Sunoo tilted his head a bit, waiting for his sister to speak up.

She cleared her throat, looking back at him.

"Soo..I told mom and dad about the situation, figured they wouldn't answer the schools calls anyway so, I explained it the best I could."

Sunoo listened carefully, he straightened his head, patiently.

"They called the school and they excused your behavior, mom donated a heavy amount of money, I guess to bribe them..no suspension is on your school record, or anything related to violence,"

Sunoo felt a smile creep on his lips, but he quickly felt guilty, he knew his parents hated wasting money on school related things, unless it was necessary, especially his mother.

He looked down at his hands on his lap, playing around with them.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to escalate anything.."
He mumbled, obviously shameful.

His sister chuckled, standing up,

"your fine, it totally wasn't your fault. They weren't too mad, they just told me to tell you to stay out of trouble, schools super important y'know."
She smiled as she spoke, making her way towards the door,

"really though, don't get hurt..and keep that ice bag on!"
She scolded, realizing he hadn't been icing the area to sooth the bruise down.

He quickly picked it up, pressing it against the area,

"I forgot! I'll leave it on!"

She gave him a motherly look before closing the door behind her, Sunoo always looked up to her, even now she works for everything she has, even though the family has plenty of money.


Sunoo looked at his phone, Jungwon was calling.

He picked it up, sitting back in his chair and answering the call,



Sunoo checked his phone again, making sure it was his bestfriend who was so surprised to hear from him,

"Yeah? Whats wrong?"

"I thought you were dead?! My parents weren't happy at all..I thought for sure yours would be angry.."

Jungwon sighed to himself, he wasn't even allowed to have access to his phone but he managed to sneak it while his parents were at work.

"Wait your parents were upset? I didn't think they would be.."

Jungwon was heard scoffing on the other line.

"Of course they were..i'm not supposed to be talking to you right now!"

"Well this could've been avoided if you just let them walk past us."

"Sunoo, you got punched. How can you still be defending them?"

"I'm not! But you wouldn't be in trouble if you had left it alone."

"Whatever..what are you doing anyway?"

"I was studying but this doesn't even make any sense. I left my textbooks at school like an idiot, it completely slipped my mind and we were already in trouble,"

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