The Beginning

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          Grace does her usual morning routine. Get up, do a morning prayer, get clothes on, say morning to her mom and dad, get on her bike and go to school.

        She gets to school and walks through the doors. Everyone and everything is so loud. She brushes past people some notice her, some don't. If they do see her they give her weird looks, but she doesn't care. She's spreading the word of God and helping make the world less sinful and if people see her weird for that then oh well. Sometimes deep down she wonders if she's doing the right thing but ignores it.

          The bell rings and Grace is rushing to get to class when a jock bumps into her causing her to drop everything and her Bible.

    "Would Jesus be okay with you pushing people around like that? Be more aware of your surroundings!" Grace yelled.

"You good?" A girl slightly taller than Grace, with long black hair said standing in front of her.

"Oh! Uh- uh... yeah I'm good!" Grace studders out scrambling to get all her stuff and trying to get up.

This girl picks up some of Grace's flyers and her Bible. "Here." The girl hands her the stuff looking at it.

"Thank you so much! I wish more people here were like you." Grace smiled at her and was about to go on her way.

"You do church stuff? I looked at the flyers" the girl questioned Grace.

"Oh uh yeah! Here take one!" Grace handed the girl a flyer.

"I'm not usually into all that thanks though." The girl shoved the flyer into her black backpack covered in pins and patches of all sorts.

"What's your name by the way...?" Grace looked at her.

"Jules." She said putting her backpack on and walking off.

"Huh... she seemed nice but she didn't even ask for my name." Grace frowned to herself and walked to class.

It's lunch time now. Grace's least favorite part of the day. She doesn't sit down to eat all the time. She mostly is handing out flyers or protesting something. Max Jaggerman comes up behind Grace as she's walking to lunch.

"Hey pretty girl" he laughs and takes a flyer out of her hands. "This seems like such a fun event, would be more fun if you went with me huh?" He smirked waiting for Grace to respond.

"That's a lovely offer Max but I know you only want to go to get into my pants so no." Grace gave him a friendly smile.

"Speaking of pants..." he looks down and back up at her. "You look smoking hot in those jeans." He went behind her about to smack her behind when a hand grabbed his wrist.

"Get on somewhere douche." Jules said and pushed him back.

"Aww does Grace Chasity have a guard dog now? What are you gonna do? Bark at me?" He laughed and walked into the cafeteria.

Grace turned around to look at her. "Thank you but I had it. These boys are just very sinful."

"Very." Jules walked into the cafeteria.

huh... she's so confusing. Grace thought to herself but shrugged and walked into the cafeteria as well.

Jules was sitting by herself just playing with her food not eating it. Grace walked over to her.

"Yeah that food is disgusting. I'm sure I've got something you can have!" Grace set down her metal lunchbox that was pink covered in Christian stickers.

"Oh thank you but I'm just not that hungry." Jules looked at her lunchbox confused by all the stickers.

"Oh okay! Is it okay if I sit with you?" Grace smiled and excited. She never had anyone to talk to or sit with.

"Sure..." Jules now looked even more confused.

Steph Lauter walked by and looked down at Jules's bag.

"Nice pins" Steph said looking at Jules. "You new? Came a little late in the year. Steph then looked across the table and saw Grace sitting there.

"Yeah it's a long story..." Jules said looking up at Steph then back at Grace.

"Wouldn't have myself caught with this one she might turn you into a nun." Steph laughed and while walking away blurted out "nice meeting ya!"

Jules continued playing with her food just staring at it not saying a word to Grace.

"So why is your name Jules? Is that your actual name? Is it short for something?" Grace started asking lots of questions.

"Uhhh uhm... it's just a nickname but I prefer Jules." Jules started to look sad.

"Oh okay! I like nicknames too. My mom and dad call me Gracie which I think is cute and maybe when I find someone in the future that I marry they can call me that too!" Grace kept rambling on.

"Hey I've gotta go to the bathroom..." Jules stood up, grabbed her bag and left.

Jules went into the bathroom and dropped her bag putting both hands on the sink and breathing heavily. When she looked into the mirror she saw smoke coming out of a stall. She started sniffing smelling what it was.

"I would have tried to open that window if I were you." Jules said.

"I ain't climbing up there." Toilet flushed and Steph opened the stall door revealing herself. "Couldn't stand listening to her ramble about Jesus?"

"I mean it was annoying but she's cute so I can handle it." Jules splashed water on her face to make her stop blushing.

"Okay if you think you are gonna ever even come within inches of her your wrong. She is the most Christian Christian I've ever seen or met. If you a boy looks at a girl too long she yells at them I swear." Steph starts to laugh.

"Never said I wanted to be with her just said she was cute. And yeah I gathered that from just looking at her but I'm sure deep down there's something "sinful" brewing."

Steph continues to laugh. "You're funny. Why don't you come hang with me after school? We can smoke.."

"Sure." Jules replied picking up her bag and walking out of the bathroom.

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