How could a girl like you like a girl like me?

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        It had been weeks since Grace and Jules have spoken. Jules started hanging out with Steph and some of the other nerds and Grace continued to protest something. Max hasn't messed with her in awhile. Well he hasn't been here in 2 weeks either.  He went missing and everyone is freaking out but Jules was happy that the douchebag didn't have to bother Grace anymore. There was something in Jules that made her miss Grace. They never made eye contact anymore and it was like they were strangers. She wondered why she even asked that stupid question.

"So yeah I asked her that because she got like weirdly close to me." Jules said explaining what happened to Steph and the nerds.

"I mean I wish I was you honestly I've never had someone get that close to me even if it's Grace Chasity." Ruth frowned.

"I mean I think we all say some pretty stupid shit when nervous." Steph said trying to help out Jules.

"Should I talk to her?" Jules asked fidgeting with her jacket.

"YES. I mean... yes go talk to her this is the most action I'm ever gonna get." Ruth exclaimed.

      Jules got up and left the library and easily found Grace.

"Hey Grace! Can we talk?"

"Oh... hi uh uh sure!" Grace started getting nervous and she put her sign down and walked with Jules.

"Listen I'm sorry about that stupid question I asked. I just..."

"Hey it's okay! You know it's okay to want to know and wonder. I do all the time." Grace smiled.

"But do you have an answer to that question?" Jules curiously looking at Grace.

"Uh... don't tell anyone but yes. I think about it all the time. I mean one day I was curious about it all and started looking it up on the computer at school. I mean I don't even understand how girls can do all that! It felt wrong to watch but at the same time... not." Grace was nervous now.

"On the school computer?" Jules laughed "do you not have a phone?"

"No technology is sometimes the bane of our existence and is the reason a lot of people sin!" Grace stood.

"Yeah right well you don't need the computer." Jules said stepping closer holding Grace's hand.

Grace looked down and looked back up at Jules. "Uh.. uhm... why..?"

Jules dragged Grace into a storage closet. She shut the door behind them and turned back around to look at Grace. Jules leaned in and softly kissed Grace on the lips then broke it and stepped back as far as she could.

Grace closed and then opened her eyes. "That was.. I- uhm..." Grace was speechless.

"How do you feel?" Jules asked.

"Nice. It... it felt nice." Grace smiled now blushing.

"It's okay to feel that way and think about those things. We are humans." Jules smiled and was about to open the closet door when Grace grabbed her arm and kissed her again.

Jules surprised but going with it held Grace's face while kissing her back softly. Jules breaks away and opens the closet door. "Bells gonna ring." Then she walks out smiling and happy.

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