D#2- Vixenthecat

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Ty- Woah calm down Parky! They can do their dare again.

Parkour- Ughhhhh

Jason- What was the dare again?

Parkour- SkyMU should kiss, while that is happening Ty and Tyler should sit in a well. Oh this is gonna be fun to watch!

Sky- B-But Skylox senpai sama!

Ty- Sorry babe but we all signed a contract. *kisses Sky's forehead*

Tyler- But we don't have a well.

Jason- We have a basement though. *points down to basement*

Tyler- K bye I'm leaving! //mutters// This is bullshit. Why did I even sign up for this?! *Leaves to basement*

Ty- Just please don't love Jason more than me after this. *Walks to basement*

Parkour- Alrighty! SkyMU do your thing!

Sky- //mumbles// I thought we moved on from each other and then because of a stupid truth or dare, I might lose my boyfriend!

Jason- Sky calm down it's just a kiss.

Sky- We haven't done this in a while...

Jason- Ready?

Sky- *Grabs Jason by the collar and kisses him.*

*Jason wanted this kiss to last forever, while Sky just wanted it to end. Jason took Sky by the waist and mae the kiss deeper and more passionate than ever. But soon enough they both pulled away for air*

Sky- T-That was something...

Jason- //mumbles// I wanted you for so long.

Sky- What?

Jason- U-Um nothing...

Sky- Ok *shrugs*

Parkour- Um guys! Come check this out!

Sky and Jason- *run over to Parkour who is at the door of the basement*

Parkour- //whispers// Look over there!

Sky- //whispers// Are they actually?

Jason- //whispers// I think they are!

*Parkour, Jason and Sky all see Ty and Tyler kissing in the basement. The kiss breaks away and Ty and Tyler look up to the door both becoming red from guilt and embarrasment*

Parkour- Brotatolox or shall I say BREADLOX?!

Jaiden Animations- BREAD DOUGH!

Sky- Um... How did you get in our house?

Jaiden Animations- //whispers// C-can I h-have se b-bread dough please?

Parkour- Ugh ok *leaves to kitchen*

Sky- What the hell Ty?!

Ty- If you can kiss Jason it gives me all rights to kiss Tyler.

Tyler- H-He kissed me first though...

Jason- But you obviously kissed back!

Ty- Go back to Jason, you obviously don't love me anymore *almost cries*

Sky- Aww baby. *goes over to Ty and hugs him* I love you, it's just this stupid contract that everyone signed.

Ty- //says in between sobs// I-I'm sorry for k-kissing Tyler.

Sky- I'm sorry for letting us fall into this contract thing.

Jason- *replaying his and Sky's kiss in his mind* I'm sorry Tyler for this. *Actually wishes he could kiss Sky again*

Tyler- Will you forgive me?

Jason- Of course babe *flies on jetpack to Tyler and picks him up* We are leaving right NOW before more crap goes down.

Tyler- Agreed *grips onto Jason*

Jason- *flies off*

Parkour- *comes back* Did I miss anything?

Sky- Just some crying and Jason and Tyler leaving.

Ty- By the way Parkour wasn't there a warning to ChrisFlo or something?

Parkour- OH YEAH! Thanks for reminding me! *calls Chris*

Chris- *picks up* Hello?

Parkour- Hey! It's Parkour! Just wanted to call to warn you that you better run...

Chris- Yeah, why?

Parkour- Well you're someone's OTP.

Chris- *drops phone*

Parkour- Hello? Chris?

Sky- What happened?

Parkour- *shrugs*


Chris- *drops phone* CARLO!

Carlo- *playing WoW* What?

Chris- Pack your stuff we're going on vacation!

Carlo- Why are we going on vacation?

Chris- We just need to leave the country for a while, so that the guys don't make us do those stupid dares.

Carlo- *immediatly starts packing*

Chris- *joins in*

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