Q#4 and D#6- L1234567891011

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Bodil- Ugh, is Ghost here today?

Ghost- Yeah I'm here wh- 

*Bodil cuts him off with kiss, which he didn't want. It was a dare that Parkour sent to him personally, she put cameras around everywhere so she basically saw everything happening. The kiss deepened as Ghost kissed back knowing that he would never have a kiss with great kisser like Bodil.*


Chris- We had to cancel our flight to the Bahamas only because of this stupid dare!

Sky- Wait. What da- *gets cut off by Chris kissing him*

*Like with Bodil, Parkour told the dare to Chris personally and is watching him through the camera's she set up. The kiss deepened as Sky kissed back, forgeting he already has a boyfriend. After a good 20 seconds Chris tries to pull away but Sky wouldn't let him. Parkour just laughed watching through the cameras. Suddenly Carlo comes in, not so shocked by what he sees. He finds Tyler, his dare companion, and kisses him without him paying attention. He stands there confused by what's happening. He then gets what this is about and kisses back, obviously knowing it was a dare.*

Jason- *walks in and sees Tyler kissing Carlo* WHAT THE FUCK?! //mutters// guess I'm not the only one with a possibly relationship  breaking dare. *sees Ty confused by what the hell Sky is doing with Chris* I'm sorry Ty I have to do this. 

*Ty looks at him confused but then realized what he was doing. He kissed back uncontrollably, knowing that he wouldn't get another chance. Parkour on the other side of the cameras was just giggling at the sight. She had about 5 cameras all around the house the dares were in. She just watched them and laughed at the dares, recording them at the same time.*


*Bodil and Ghost had forgotten everything about the dare and went to far... Bodil started tugging on Ghost's shirt and slowly taking it off...*

Simon- *comes into the room* Hey Bo- WHAT THE F*CK?!

Bodil- *pulls away from the kiss realizing what they were doing* Oh um... It was a dare...


Ghost- *stands awkwardly not knowing what to say*


Bodil- I-I'm so sorry Simon. Please forgive me!

Simon- YOU KNOW WHAT?! FUCK YOU! *walks out of the room angry*

Bodil- *shakes head*

Ghost- What is the rage quit count for today?

Bodil- *sigh* Fifth... 1st from X-run, 2nd from Ty taking away his helmet, 3rd from CS:GO case opening fail, 4th from a parkour map and 5th is this.

Ghost- He broke this weeks record... That guy needs to calm down.

Bodil- But not the monthly record of 9 though.

*Both sigh*


Crystal- I am so excited to do this!

Mitch- What do yo- *Crystal kisses Mitch in front of Jerome*

Jerome- What the hell? I'm getting out of here before this gets any weirder! *walks away*

*Mitch quickly realized what he is doing 20 seconds into the kiss and tried to pull away, but Crystal wouldn't let him. Crystal makes the kiss deeper and gets Mitch into it. A minute into the kiss Crystal pulls away from lack of oxygen.*

Mitch- //mutters// I haven't kissed a girl in a loooonnggg time...

Crystal- It was a dare don't worry. I wouldn't want to ruin your relationship.

Mitch- Well um, Crystal... Do you still remember what we had back in high school?

Crystal- Mhm. *walks away*

Mitch- Well, okay...

Jerome- *peeps through door* Are you finally done?

Mitch- *nods*

Jerome- Isn't that the same girl from highschool that everyone had a crush on?

Mitch- Yeah. I didn't expect that...

Jerome- Ugh I need to claim you back *kisses Mitch*

Mitch- *kisses back*


Parkour- *laughs* Oh god this is too fun to watch! But I guess it's my turn to do my dare... *goes to the Skylox house*

~Time Skip~

Parkour- *knocks on door*

Sky- P-Parkour what the hell are you doing here?

Parkour- *giggles knowing what happened with Chris and Sky* I'm here to do a dare!

Sky- So it was you who told Chris to do that dare!

Parkour- But it wasn't me who made it. It was Lydia! Anyway where's Ty?

Sky- Oh please don't tell me you have to kiss him...

Parkour- Fine I will kiss Mitch, if you don't want your precious Ty kissing someone else today.

Sky- Wait Ty kissed someone else today?!

Parkour- Oops! *quickly goes inside to find Mitch*

Sky- WHO IS IT?!


Jerome- *pulls away from the kiss* I feel like something will happen now...

Mitch- How do you know?

Jerome- I hear footsteps coming this way.

Mitch- Oh yeah your super uber sensitive bacca hearing. I don't understand how you can be like a bacca when you're only wearing a hat of it.

Jerome- That's a story for later.

Parkour- *comes through the door* Um Mitch, we needa do a dare...

Mitch- What is it?

Jerome- Whatever it is, I'm getting out of here! *walks away again*

Parkour- W-We just need to- DO THIS*kisses Mitch*

Mitch- //thoughts// What the hell should I do! Kiss back or pull away? Jerome won't even see this... And she's a good kisser... I may or may not regret my decision later...

*Mitch kisses back and grabs Parkour by the waist. Parkour jumps a little at the sudden movement, but goes with it. Jerome puts his super sensitive ear to the door curious by what is happening, he hears what is happening and giggles as he hears Mitch moan his name. (omg wtf is wrong with me? XD) Parkour pulls away and chuckles herself as Mitch becomes red from embaressment.*


Jerome- *giggles* I heard that.

Mitch- She reminded of you because both of you are good kissers. Though Jerome is who I want. *kisses Jerome's cheek*

Parkour- Oh by the way that was recorded. *laughs and runs away*


Jerome- Probably there are hidden cameras all around the house.

Mitch- If so I am gonna kill her!

Jerome- What does the contract say about this? *takes out copy of contract from drawer* It says that no matter what happens during the dare it has to be recorded and can be used for anything. So that means she can upload it to youtube or use it as blackmail against you.

Mitch- Ugh! Why did I even kiss back!

Jerome- Would you kiss back if I do this? *drops contract and kisses Mitch*

Mitch- *kisses back*


I feel weird from writing so much kissing... Yet I want to write more XD (pls dont make me I will get fangirl overload)

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