D#9- ilikecupcakesMC

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Parkour- Carlo, this is Liya. *points to her*

Carlo- *eyes widen* Oh I know who this is...

Liya/Cupcake- *kisses him out if nowhere*

Parkour- //annoyed// And that was your dare! //mutters// I wanted to say it...

Carlo- *hesitantly kisses back, closing his eyes slowly*

*Carlo started enjoying the kiss, while Liya enjoyed it from the very beginning. Liya's hands snaked around his neck, pulling him closer. Carlo pulled her even closer, they were now as close as humanly possible. Carlo finally realized what was happening and pulls away getting away from her arms*

Carlo- No no no! We broke up 2 years ago! I can't let this happen again!

Liya- *looks down* But I still love you...

Carlo- I'm sorry, but I love Chris! I can't let this happen again...

Chris- *walks in* Hey Carlo have you see- Wait what is Liya doing here?

Liya- Trying to get my boyfriend back.

Chris- *steps towards her* You mean MY boyfriend?

Carlo- H-Hey! Guys don't fight over me! *nervous chuckle*

Parkour- *watches with a bowl of popcorn* Fight! Fight! Fight!

Liya- *growls* You took him away from ME!

Chris- You two broke up! And you have a boyfriend ffs!

Liya- I want CARLO!

Carlo- *awkwardly just stands there*

Chris- HE'S MINE! *pulls Carlo towards himself*

Liya- NO HE'S MINE! *pulls Carlo to herself*

Chris- You know what! I'm getting out of here, WITH Carlo. *drags Carlo out*

Carlo- *waves bye and let's Chris drag him out*

Liya- Ugh! This isn't fair!

Parkour- Popcorn?

Liya- *sigh* Sure... *eats some*

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