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To everybody, because we all struggle with something. <3

To myself, because I'm still here. <3


{According to Google}

Egonoia (ego-mania + paranoia): (n.) the fear of people being annoyed by you or talking about you in an unrealistically negative light, typically due to self-obsession, insecurity, and/or self-dysmorphia.



Brief Answers, Incoherent Thoughts, Lengthy Answers, Profanity, Rants, References, Sensitive Topics, Triggering Topics. Take that as you will.



Questions from 5000questionsur.livejournal.com

Answers by Yours Truly

Cover image by mohamed nohassi on Unsplash. Art Filter from LunaPic. The fonts are either from PicsArt or Canva.


{Start-to-Finish Date}

January 6th, 2024 to TBA


{Copyright © L. J., 2024}

Published in North America, through Wattpad, by yours truly. Errors of all sorts are a given; even the most popular books have errors in them that a lot of people miss/ignore.

This is a work of nonfiction. Names, characters, places, incidents, and so on are products of my experiences, thoughts, and imaginations. It's of no coincidence that real life stuff and things have been included; this is a memoir.

Nobody asked for this. Almost no one will truly care. However, I'm creating this anyway. Because I want to, and I need something to do with my idle life. Might as well get a lot off my chest while I'm at it, no?

Will you accept this challenge?

Egonoia: Me, Myself, and I (And Everything In-Between)Where stories live. Discover now