IV: 76-100

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Question #76: Do you prefer Disney or Warner Brothers?

     I honestly don't care. Really, I don't. Both, I guess? Neither, maybe? I'll watch anything interesting, regardless of whoever created it or whatever. *shrugs* Sorry, not sorry for the very boring answers lately; I haven't had much to say. Hopefully, that won't be too reoccurring. :/ Fingers crossed.

Question #77: What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo?

     Lions; I love them. Meerkats, also. Maybe snakes, even though they scare me to death, as most creatures do. Elephants and giraffes, maybe. Hyenas most likely. There's so many creatures in the world; they're all so fascinating and terrifying.

Question #78: Would you consider yourself to be romantic?

     ...I suppose? Maybe? I honestly don't know. I say that a lot; consider it an official quote by this point.

     ... *thinking about it*

     *sigh* I mean, I'm affectionate, to an extent; I love holding hands whenever I'm able/comfortable (crowded areas make me anxious). ...And, I'm dedicated, to an extent; I write "love" letters, to further express my undying fondness, as I feel I'd get it across better in writing, due to me being awkward in verbal expression; they still turn out a bit cringey, though, but that's just...me, by this point. Maybe sentimental, too, I don't know, though. The downside is I always feel like I was destined to meet the person that becomes my significant other for a brief, or prolonged, time; thus, I normally rush through, thinking too far into the future (sometimes, they do, too) right at the start. By this point, it's definitely one of the many reasons why my romantic relationships fail; my continued aggression is another (it's not as bad as a few years ago, but it's still pretty bad).

     ...You know what, I'm being repetitive with my thoughts, but so what? It's my memoir and I have memory issues. ...I hate this.

Question #79: If the earth stopped rotating, would we all fly off?

     We'll start floating; we all float up here. Ignore that. Maybe, we'll be unable to jump ever again, not that I would complain about that one.


     Maybe, the sun and moon will never reach certain parts of the world ever again, I don't know; half the world will only see darkness/night and the other will only have sunlight all the time (is this already a thing somewhere in the world? Close enough, at least? Or am I thinking of a movie I saw?). Too bad, so sad; we'll probably drive ourselves crazy and start an apocalypse, leading to our early extinction. Who knows. *shrugs* It would be cool, but terrifying, if that happened, for any reason.

     ...Again, how the fuck would I know? :P I'm talking out of my ass right now.

Question #80: What is the one thing that you love to do so much that you would make sacrifices to be able to do it?

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