VI: 126-150

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Question #126: Would you consider yourself to be wise?

     No. Not even slightly.

Question #127: Have you ever given or received a lap dance?

     Given: No, I haven't. Perhaps someday, though; if I'm ever comfortable enough to do so.

     Received: No, I haven't. I honestly don't care if it ever occurs to me or not. If it does, that's hot. If it doesn't, that's too bad but I'll live.

Question #128: Have you ever spoken to a homeless person?

     Last I spoke to her, a former classmate of mine was temporarily homeless, supposedly. I directed her to the Vocal.Media website, for "easy" money; it's not easy at all but I felt she'd have a better chance of getting money on there than I did. I truly hope things looked up for her; she nearly lost her life in an accident. And I hope her child's been alright, too.

     Other than her, no, I haven't.

Question #129: Would you ever creep into the subway tunnels to go exploring?

     Not a chance in hell; with my extremely terrible luck, I'd never walk back out. My ghostly self might, but I won't be leaving those tunnels still breathing. I'm just sayin'. Terrible luck; I have that issue.

Question #130: If you could add 70 years to your life but only by making some random person die 70 years sooner, would you?


     I may be absolutely fucking terrified of dying, especially when I think about it too much, but I'm not about to make someone else die far sooner than myself. Just no.

     You can't stop death either way, anyway, so just chill with what you've got and make the most of it, if you can. Unless you want a Final Destination kind of situation; hey, if this question was an actual thing, you best believe that the shit that goes down in the Final Destination films would be a thing, too. Death would come for your ass, especially for that kind of...cheating.

     You'll die when you die, whether it be when you're supposed to or when someone takes away the additional time you've got left.

Question #131: Can you finish any of the following lyrics? Nothing to kill or die for, Late comings with the late comin' stretcher, I could make a film and make you my star.

     No, I cannot. I don't know if they're from an existing song I should've heard by now or if they're made up and I gotta be creative with it, but I'm not finishing the lyrics. I'm not that kind of creative and I haven't heard a great many songs, like most people in the universe. So, I'll just tell you the vibes I get from each set instead.

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