VII: 151-175

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Question #151: What is louder and more annoying: 200 adults talking or one four-year-old screaming?

     Firstly, nothing is more annoying than when my autistic brother was beating on the walls almost 24/7 where we lived before. Both suggestions, however, are louder than he'd been.

     I'd be concerned about the child more so than I'd be annoyed with the screaming. With the adults, I'd be trying to hear everything they were saying, because of curiosity; also, lunchtime at school flashbacks where many students talked at once, creating a massive noise of idle chatter.

     So, to actually answer the question, neither is annoying and the adults will be louder than the child; children got a set of lungs on them, sure, but they wouldn't be louder than 200 adults, especially since it's only one child. We've all had lunch at school before; that was loud. And if you were homeschooled or...whatever, we've all been to a parade or a fair where a lot of people were talking at once. It literally drowns out a screaming child.

Question #152: Do you believe the stories about planes, boats and people mysteriously disappearing into the Bermuda triangle?

     Anything is possible!

Question #153: Who are you the most jealous of?

     I'd say couples that "flaunt" their love.

     Like, we singles get it, you're in love; maybe not perfectly in love, like you want us to believe (fights happen, amongst other things that are serious), but in love nonetheless. I'm not in love with anyone. No one is in love with me. Thanks for reminding me, though, that I'm single and you aren't. Not that being single isn't fine; not everyone wants or has a soulmate. I'm heading that direction myself, honestly; it's probably for the best, too, because I'm a mess and no one deserves to deal with my bullshit. Not even my worst enemies, and I don't even have those, I don't think; I hope not.

Question #154: What is the happiest way you can start your day?

     Hugging on my cats, giving them morning smooches as they give me morning boops with their heads or noses. They're so precious. I find it very funny when I wake up to Loki cleaning my ear or my hair; she's the only one that does it, too. She's also the one that wants attention the most; such a cute baby. They're all cute babies, actually.

     I've been doing that less now, in the mornings, because they wake me up so early, around 4 or 5 am. And I no longer trust Yondu because of the one time he suddenly peed on me. So, I run away to the living room and sleep on the couch. Been like this for about a week so far. We haven't found a solution to Yondu's behavior issues; it's been a few months since that started but it was only my bed he peed on before he suddenly chose to pee on me. Might have to put him in a cage or something at night when I head to bed. I don't know. My Dad was outta pocket, suggesting spanking/beating him; that's animal abuse. Sir.

     It's gonna hurt me a lot when they're gone; they spend most of their time around me everyday, though they occasionally roam the living room in the afternoon for a few minutes when they're allowed (Dad doesn't like the fur flying around; he also says we won't be getting any more indoor cats, which is a major bummer for me because I love cats).

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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