III: 51-75

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Question #51: Make up a definition for the following silly words.

     This is...fucking stupid. Whatever... I'm not putting the whole noun or adjective or...whatever thingy; figure it out on your own, you lazy shits (says a lazy shit).

     Fruit-Google: (1) sweet foods that are defined by a search engine; (2) Google, a proper search engine, with the opening page appearing as a fruit or showing an image of a different fruit each log-in; (3) simply a picture of a fruit that can be found on Google Images.

     Abbytime: (1) an international event where ambidextrous people gather and celebrate their shared talent.

     Ass-Cactus: (1) a donkey shaped like a cactus; (2) a cactus shaped like a donkey; (3) a very creative profanity that makes me think of Supernatural.

Question #52: What was the last thing you made with your own hands?

     There was this kit I got for Christmas during my early/mid teens, back when my grandparents (on Dad's side) were still alive and neither were having serious health issues. The kit was for making stones of various shapes and you could bedazzle it with gems or beads. I made a heart with some blue gems, I believe, and I put some sort of positive message on it, alongside my name, and I gave it to my grandma.

     We couldn't find it before the move, so I believe it was either stolen or purposely broken and/or thrown away by a family member, such as a younger cousin who easily got jealous and also enjoyed stealing or breaking other people's things because they didn't have it themselves. And I strongly believe it was the same family who tried to steal the large American flag that belonged to my grandpa, who was a veteran; said flag was found crumbled and stained, hidden and forgotten by those who had aimed to steal it. If said family members are reading this now, or come across this in the future, you know what you did; very bad karma is gonna bite y'all in the ass someday, just you fucking wait.

     Anyways, the gift I had created, if it truly was stolen like we believe it was, one/some of my extended family members are some sorry ass people, who deserve whatever bad things that happen to them; sorry, not sorry (I dealt with my own form of bad karma; y'all have it coming, if it's not already working against you now). If it was thrown away, again, one/some of my extended family members are some sorry ass people, and you are lucky that you're not dead to us, by this point in time.

     Some of y'all stole money that wasn't ever gonna go to you. One-to-two of you suddenly got a new vehicle during this time. Yeah. My dad couldn't prove it, but he knew it was y'all, too. And I'm almost certain y'all have had some bad karma, but I think you deserve some more, to be entirely honest, because y'all fucking suck.

Question #53: What was your favorite toy as a child?

     Literally any sort of stuffed anything.

     Above all, I loved The Teletubbies and Bear in the Big Blue House. So, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the stuffed creatures were from those shows in particular.

     Additionally, I apparently really liked that song, Come Home to My Heart, from the film All Dogs Go to Heaven, my autistic brother's favorite film of all time (besides The Goonies and An American Tail), because we have footage of me trying to sing it. We also have footage of me dancing to the aforementioned shows. I find it to be more hilarious than embarrassing, as I was just a child obsessed with the usual things, as a child should be. Ah, I miss that innocence.

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