One Little Lie

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One little lie,

That's all it took,

To take her down,

To kill her self esteem,

To kill her inside.


That's all it took.

I would know,

Why, you ask?

Well that girl, 

The one you took down, 

The one you killed inside? 

Oh yes, you remember that girl now, 

That girl that would run to the bathroom and hide,

The same girl that was embarrassed by herself?

That girl was me.

But I've come quite a ways, 

I'm not the same girl.

You aren't the same boy, 

She isn't the same girl.

But you created a monster, 

A monster inside of me,

A monster I can't rid myself of.

It's bad to wish death upon someone isn't it? 

But is it wrong to wish a monster inside of someone who created one inside of you?

I don't believe it is,

I hope you get your monster,


Someday soon you'll get that monster inside of you,

And that monster will come,

It will come inside of you and rip your soul apart piece by piece,

It will shred it until there is nothing left to be shred,

The monster will eat your soul while you sleep,

Crawl inside of you and take control until you only have one thing to control.

And once you think you have control of that, 

It's too late to turn back the clock, 

The monster has control of that now too.

It will take control of your everything,

Mind, soul, and body.

It will creep into your mind at the darkest of times,

 It will make there seem as though there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

But now, now I know, 

that it has no control,

It is me.

And I have full control over me,

No one else has control of me,

Not you, not her, not my parents,

Only me and my monster, 

That is me. 

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