Walking Tragedy

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You took forever to get me into therapy,

By the time you did,

I didn't want the help anymore,

As much as I've talked over the years,

I've honestly gotten nowhere,

All along it was like riding a stationary bike,

Or walking on the treadmill.

I talked and talked,

But still got nowhere,

Unwilling to quit my behaviours and habits,

Feeling I wasted my time,

I only got angrier.

I've been talking for 5 years,

And only NOW,

Now am I starting to get somewhere,

After accumulating enough shit and enough problems and behaviours and habits,

NOW 5 years later,

I'm honest to god willing to talk.

About literally fucking everything,

Or mostly everything,

Now that I'm willing though,

I feel like I'm back at square one,

Just with an open and honest mouth.

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