Just Your Average Misfit

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The queer,

The weird,

The outcasts,

The undeniable misfits,

That is who we are,

But instead of being ostracized on an island for missing parts of ourselves,

We're ostracized by our fellow peers,

Because we aren't missing literal pieces,

But we have anxiety,


Maybe even an eating disorder or two,

Maybe we wear our battle scars on our sleeves,

But they are scars from our past,

A battle that we have won,

Just to show that we're still alive and breathing bitches,

But maybe,

Maybe we're just too scared to approach people anymore,

So we're labeled and outcasted,

We don't know what it's like to be "popular",

Our friend groups consist of at most a handful,

We roam school halls alone and sit by ourselves,

One day though,

These kids you thought were completely screwed up?

They will finally have their lives in order. 

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