how well do you know your costar||obx cast

248 6 1

02/2023, age 17
obx s3 press

THEADORA starts off the interview, "Hi I'm Madelyn Cline" she introduces, causing her two older costars seated on either side of her to laugh lightly.

"Hi I'm Theadora James," Madison waves.

"And I'm Madison Bailey", Madelyn finishes. "And this is a game of How Well Do You Know Your Co-Star with Marie Claire."

question number one:
how many nieces and nephews does Madison have?

Theadora and Madelyn both groan dramatically.

"i have no idea but i know one of them is, like, kinda close to my age?" thea guesses.

"s-six?" madelyn tries.

"i'll go with eight just cause i know it's a lot but also a reasonable amount considering how many siblings you have." theadora decides.

"that's fair." madison shrugs before revealing, "the correct answer is eight."

Madelyn: "Oh!"

Theadora: "Knew it."

Madison: "Thea both you and I know that was a total guess."

Theadora: "shut up it was not."

The two Maddie's send each other knowing looks over the teenager.

Question number two:
What state was Theadora born in?

Madison: "easy. tennessee."

Theadora: "Yeah. Baileys over here googling me."

Madison: "Oh you know it. 'Five facts about Theadora James'."

Question number three:
What was Madelyn's first job?

Madison hits the arm of her chair as though it is a buzzer, "Chuck-e-cheese commercial."

Bailey and Theadora laugh as Madelyn curses, "what the fuck!"

Theadora: "honestly I was gonna say that too."

Madelyn: "okay technically, yeah. But I mean like a high school job."

Bailey: "Oh like a lifeguard or something?"

Theadora snorts, "no she was a horse girl remember?"

Madelyn: "Yeah. I mean—no. Not a horse girl. I worked with horses at a barn."

Theadora: "So, yeah. Horse girl."

Question number four:
What was Madison's first concert?

Madison: "The year was 2008 or 9, if that helps."

Theadora: "no fair I was a literal toddler."

Madison shrugs, "You gotta keep up with the times Thea."

Madelyn: "Hannah Montana."

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