Tacos - Jude x reader

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Setting: The food court

"Hey, dude! We'll take twenty of your finest tacos," Jude declared, his voice brimming with enthusiasm.

Julie raised an eyebrow at your order, but you and Jude were undeterred. After all, this was a mission of utmost importance. With a shrug, she jotted down your request and disappeared into the kitchen to fulfill it.

As you waited, you and Jude exchanged secretive glances, already imagining the look of utter disbelief on your friends' faces when they discovered the taco heist you were about to pull off. You and Jude did not plan to share these tacos at all.

Finally, Julie returned with a large tray piled high with steaming tacos. Jude paid for the tacos, and you both snatched the tray, careful not to let anyone else catch a glimpse.

"That was awesome!" Jude laughed, heading with you to the Lemon.

"I know! We ordered way too many." You chuckled.

You  and Jude made your way to the table where your friends, Jen, Nikki, Wyatt, Caitlin, and Jonesy were waiting. They greeted you with curious expressions.

"Hey, guys! We brought some snacks," You said innocently, trying to hide your devious plan.

Jude nudged you playfully. "Yeah, but we're pretty hungry, so we might eat them all. Hope you have backup plans."

Jen raised an eyebrow, suspicious of your sly behavior. "Hmm, what are you two up to?"

You and Jude exchanged a quick glance, the unspoken agreement clear between you. It was all or nothing, and you were ready to execute your plan.

With a swift motion, you both plopped the tray down in front of you, forming a barrier to shield the precious tacos from prying eyes and grabby hands.

"These are our tacos, guys," Jude stated firmly, his voice full of mischief.

Your friends' eyes widened, their expressions a mix of shock, disappointment, and undeniable hunger.

Jonesy let out a dramatic wail, clutching his heart in mock agony. "Noooo! Why must fate be so cruel? We're taco-less!"

The group laughed and you and Jude high five each other with playful smiles. You and Jude eventually did share the tacos with your friends and that made this experience a lot more special.

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