Pumpkin carving - Wyatt x reader

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Setting: Wyatt's house

You and Wyatt were excitedly preparing for Halloween together. It was your first Halloween as a couple, and you wanted to make it memorable. Carving pumpkins seemed like the perfect activity, even though neither of you were good when it came to pumpkin carving.

You gathered all the necessary supplies, including a variety of pumpkins, carving tools, and newspapers to protect the table from the mess.

"Alright, Y/N, are you ready to create some masterpieces?" Wyatt asked, grinning mischievously.

You playfully rolled your eyes. "Oh, you bet! I'm going to make the scariest pumpkin you've ever seen."

Wyatt chuckled and picked up his carving tool. "We'll see about that. Let the competition begin!"

You both started carving and it quickly became apparent that neither of you had the steady hand for pumpkin designs. The kitchen table soon turned into a mess of pumpkin guts and discarded pumpkin pieces.

You glanced at Wyatt's pumpkin, which had a lopsided face and unevenly cut eyes. You giggled, "Wow, Wyatt, your pumpkin looks positively spooky."

Wyatt pretended to be offended with a dramatic gasp and pointed at your pumpkin. "Oh, please, Y/N. Look at yours! It looks like it's ready to audition for a comedy show."

You couldn't argue with his assessment. Your pumpkin's eyes were uneven, the mouth was crooked, and it had a rather comical expression. "Well, at least it's entertaining."

Even though the pumpkins may not have turned out as artistic masterpieces, but the joy and laughter that filled the room made up for it.

Wyatt leaned over and gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Who needs perfect pumpkins when we have each other?"

You smiled, feeling warm and grateful for the wonderful person by your side. "You're right, Wyatt. Our pumpkins may be a disaster, but this Halloween will be unforgettable because we made memories together."

You and Wyatt then took the ugly pumpkins and headed to the mall, ready to show your friends.

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