Emotional scene - Wayne x reader

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Setting: Your house

You and Wayne were cuddled up on the couch, enjoying a quiet evening together. A romantic movie was playing and you noticed Wayne becoming increasingly engrossed in the story, his eyes focused on the screen.

However, a particularly emotional scene unfolds, and you noticed a tear escape from the corner of Wayne's eye. You giggled softly, finding his vulnerability endearing. As the tear rolled down his cheek, Wayne quickly wiped it away, attempting to hide his emotions from you.

You leaned closer to Wayne and gently place a hand on his cheek, turning him to face you. You said, "It's okay, Wayne. There's no need to hide how you feel."

Wayne's guard begins to crumble as he realizes he doesn't have to pretend to be tough in front of you. He took a deep breath and let himself be vulnerable. He leans in, closing the distance between you. His lips meet yours in a soft, tender kiss.

He whispers, "Thank you for accepting me, Y/N. I'm glad I have you."

You scooted closer to Wayne, resting your head against his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Wayne smiled, knowing you didn't care about his exterior and appreciated him for who he was, including his soft side.

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