Taste of your own medicine - Jude x close friend!reader

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Requested by: ScreamingHysteria
Setting: the mall

You and Jude, your close friend from the gang at the Galleria Mall were known for your mischievous antics. Today, the target of your prank was Jonesy, who always seemed to have an inflated ego. With a mischievous glint in your eyes, you and Jude hatched a plan to give him a taste of his own medicine.

you whispered the details of the prank to Jude. Both of you couldn't help but giggle as you plotted and schemed, your minds buzzing with excitement.

The plan was simple but brilliant. You knew Jonesy had a weakness for a particular cologne, so you convinced Jude to help you create a fake new fragrance called "Eau de amour." It would be a blend of fish oil and other unpleasant scents, guaranteed to make him regret his love for cologne.

You spent hours crafting the perfect packaging for the fake cologne. The label promised  extravagant claims of seduction and charm, promising irresistible allure to anyone who wore it.

You approached Jonesy with a sly smile. "Hey, Jonesy, have you heard about the latest cologne everyone's raving about? It's called 'Eau de Amour.' It's supposed to be the ultimate scent to attract all the ladies. Want to give it a try?"

Jonesy couldn't resist. He eagerly took the bottle from you, uncapped it, and sprayed it on his neck.

Within seconds, a pungent odor filled the air, and you struggled to hold back your laughter. Jonesy's face contorted in disgust as he realized he had fallen victim to your prank. The foul smell was impossible to ignore, and people around him began to wrinkle their noses in disgust.

You and Jude burst into uncontrollable laughter, unable to contain your amusement. The prank had worked better than you had ever imagined, and Jonesy's embarrassment was evident.

Jonesy finally caught on to the prank and gave you both an annoyed glare. "You got me good, Y/N and Jude, but mark my words - revenge will be sweet."

You and Jude exchanged mischievous grins, knowing that this prank had showcased your Ginger-like personality, which was what made you and Jude become close friends in the first place.

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