Exposing Tricia - Platonic!Jude and friends x bullied!reader

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Requested by: marcygreenjjbao
Setting: The mall

You were a part of the gang at the Galleria Mall with Jen, Jude, Nikki, Wyatt, Caitlin, and Jonesy. You were a tight-knit group that navigated the ups and downs of teenage life together. However, recently you had been facing relentless bullying from Tricia, a mean-spirited girl who seemed to take pleasure in tormenting others.

When you shared your struggles with the gang, they couldn't bear to see you suffer any longer. They hatched a plan to expose her actions to the world and decided to capture Tricia in the act by secretly filming her bullying you. They would then showcase the video on the mall's big screen, exposing her behavior to everyone present.

"What if we get caught?" You asked, anxiously.

Jonesy smirked, "We won't. Trust me."

The gang hid behind one of the fake bushes in the mall, armed with cameras. You took a deep breath and made your way towards Tricia, pretending to be unaware of their presence.

Tricia began to taunt you with her usual hurtful remarks about you being a geek and saying how everyone hated you. Little did she know what was about to unfold.

As Tricia continued her bullying, the gang switched on the big screen, causing the entire mall to go silent. All eyes turned to the unfolding scene, and Tricia's face went pale as she saw herself on the screen, caught in the act of tormenting you. The video showcased her cruelty, leaving no room for denial or excuses.

The mall erupted into murmurs and gasps as people watched the evidence of Tricia's behavior. The weight of her actions finally hit her, and she stood frozen, her bullying exposed for the world to see.

Jude noticed you were overwhelmed so he pulled you into a tight hug, and the rest of the gang joined in.

"We're proud of you, Y/N." Wyatt smiled, wiping your tears. You nodded, grateful to have amazing friends.

"Let's get ice cream to celebrate!" Caitlin exclaimed, causing your friends to agree.

You smiled, feeling a lot better, as you and your friends went to get ice cream. You realized that you were never alone in this battle, knowing they would always be by your side.

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