Ch. 1

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"Faith! Hurry up we're gonna be late!" Mom called to me as I tugged on my riding boots.

"I'm coming!" I called.

I zipped up my riding boots, and snatched my helmet. Then, I piled into our car, and my mom drove me off to my favorite place in the world: Desert Flower Stables.

My name's Faith, and I live in New Mexico, and I'm 13 years old. Horse back riding is my life! It's all I think about. Horses, horses, and more horses, is all that goes through my mind. More than anything else in the world, I want my own horse. Whenever I think of my own horse, I see myself high up on a flashy, Fresian stallion. I sigh at the wonderful thought. But for now, I ride the school horses.

Lately, I've been riding Cooper, a sweet bay gelding, but today my trainer, Kayla, said that she was going to try me on a more advanced horse. I'm excited, cause I love Cooper so much, but I think I'm ready for something a little bit more challenging.

After a 15 minute long drive, we finally pulled through the gates of Desert Flower Stables. I immediately smile as Mom parks the car, and I hop out. I hang on to the strap of my helmet.

As I walk into the barn, the sweet smell of horses, hay, and grain fills my nose, and I grin. I knock on Kalya's office, and I here her say,"Come in."

I open the door and walk into her office. "Hey Faith!" Kayla greets me.

"Hi Kayla! I was just wondering if I was going to ride somebody new today, or if you want me to tack up Cooper," I asked.

"Go ahead and tack up Stormy," Kayla said.

I gulped. "Stormy?" I squeaked. "Are you sure I'm ready for Stormy?," I said shakily.

Kayla looked me in the eyes. "You're ready for Stormy, Faith. You know you are," Kayla assured me.

"Well, I thought you were going to put me on Rocky or some other horse," I said, "but if you think I'm ready for Stormy, I'll go tack her up."

"Great! You know where her tack is, it's all labeled," Kayla said. "I'll see you in the outdoor arena," she said.

"Okay, see you soon," I said, then headed off to Stormy's stall.

I passed Cooper's stall, and he stuck his head out, expecting me to take him out for a ride. "I'm sorry Coop, but Kayla assigned me to Stormy. I still love you boy, and I promise I'll give you a treat before I leave. Promise," I said to him, and scratched his forehead. He snorted, then went back to his hay net. "Good boy," I said, then headed off to Stormy's stall.

When I reached her stall, I peeked inside. There she was. The beautiful, blue roan, Paso Fino mare. "Hey Stormy," I said quietly. She looked at me, then walked up to greet me. I stroked her face. "You're not as bad as what everybody says," I said to her, and she nuzzled my shoulder. My mind went back to what everybody says about her.


A blue roan mare was being unloaded from a trailer. She was wild. She was kicking all about, and baring her teeth, too.

Later that day, one of Kayla's students, Zoey, tried her out. She bucked her off, and galloped to the other side of the arena.

When Zoey got up, she walked over to me, and said,"That mare is insane! They should just send her to the glue factory while they can. She's nuts," and then walked off.

End of flashback

I know she isn't like that anymore. Kayla has worked with her a lot, and I guess she's ready for a kid student now. She seems a lot sweeter than she did when she came here, so that's good!

I put her halter on, and led her to a pair of cross ties. Then, I scurried into the tack room and grabbed her brush box. I walked back out to her, and curried her beautiful blue roan coat. Then I swept the dirt and hair off with the dandy brush, and picked her hooves. I detangled her mane and tail, then went over her face and legs with a body brush. Then, I grabbed her English tack, and began to tack her up. She was very good about taking the bit and letting me tighten her girth in the arena.

I clipped my helmet on, and adjusted the stirrups. I grabbed the blue mounting block, and climbed on. I walked Stormy around while I waited for Kayla to arrive. Finally, she walked into the arena.

"Sorry I'm late, but I'm glad you had no problem warming her up," Kayla said.

"She's so sweet! And smooth," I said.

"That's because she's a Paso Fino. Their gates are especially smooth," Kayla agreed. "Pick up a trot," Kayla instructed.

I picked up a trot, and I felt like I was floating. We continued on with the lesson, and the whole time, I couldn't contain my smile. Stormy was wonderful! At the end of the lesson, Kayla called me in, and my mom, too.

"I would like to talk to you guys about maybe having Faith join our equestrian team," Kayla suggested. My eyes widened and I broke into a grin.

"Really?!" I squealed in excitement.

"I think you would be a good addition to the team," she said and smiled. "But, your mom would have to agree to it, which would mean agreeing to 2 practices a week, and competitions once every month. Would you agree to that?" Kayla said to my mom.

"I'll think about it," Mom said thoughtfully.

"Please Mom! I'll do anything," I pleaded.

"I said I'll think about it," Mom repeated, then walked out of the arena.

I cooled Stormy out, and then put her away. I patted her and fed her a treat, then went over to Cooper's stall and fed him a treat. "Bye boy," I said and gave him a final pat, then reluctantly walked out of the barn, to our car.


"Please?" I asked. "Please?" I said again. "PLEEEEEAAAAASSSSSEE???" I pleaded to my mom.

"I SAID I'LL THINK ABOUT IT!" Mom yelled, very annoyed.

"Sorry!" I laughed. "This is a BIG deal to me, and I'm excited!" I explained.

"I know, but with you always saying 'please' to me, you aren't giving me a chance to think," Mom laughed.

"Okay, I'll leave you alone so you can think," I said, then headed upstairs to my room.

I opened the door to my room, and took in the light, green walls, my bed, and the horse posters that covered the walls. My favorite was of a beautiful Fresian stallion, galloping in a field. He was so gorgeous. That's my dream horse, and I've been looking at adds online if Fresians. There's one in the area, named New Moon, and I want to buy him, so bad.

But for now, I'm stuck with the school horses. But when I think about it, it isn't so bad.


A/N: hey everybody! The first chapter of Blind Faith is up! Yay! I hope you guys like it:) please check out my other books!! Please comment and vote:) thanks;)!!!! Also please check out my other books!! Thx guys ilysm

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