Ch. 17

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It's been a week since I've ridden a horse, and I'm 100% sure I'm going mad.

What am I going to do?

My parents won't let me do lessons, even at a reduced price.

I'm sure I've cried off at least a pound since then, and I have barely spoken to my parents for the past few days. I can't even look at them without feeling sad and angry at the same time.

They took my passion, inspiration, and life away from me.

And that's not okay.


-hours later-

I was chatting with Gina on Google Hangouts, when I heard my phone vibrating. I picked it up, and saw that Kayla was calling me.

"What's up?" I asked, trying not to sound too gloomy.

"Well, I've just come up with the best plan ever."

"What?" I asked, eager to hear.

"Well, it would involve a little bit of secrecy and walking, oh what am I doing?! I can't ask you to risk that," Kayla said, a bit to herself.

"Tell. Me. Right. Now," I said. "You've already said part of it, so now you have to tell me the whole thing and I'll be the judge of whatever you have to say," I said, then waited patiently for her to speak.



The next day, I slipped jeans and an old t-shirt on and put my paddock boots and helmet in a bag. It was 12:00, the perfect time to 'meet Gina for lunch'.

I went downstairs, and found Mom.

"Hey Mom," I said, trying to not sound like I was hiding something.

"Hi Faith," Mom said cautiously.

"Is it okay if I meet Gina at the park for lunch right now?"

"Um, sure! Do you need me to pack you a lunch?" Mom asked.

"No, I already have something packed," I said, then added, "I'm gonna leave now."

"Okay," Mom said, then gave me a hug. "I'm so proud of you," she whispered.

"Why?" I asked.

"You've handled this whole 'no more riding' thing really well. Thank you," Mom said with a kind, gentle smile.

We were silent for a moment. I felt guilty about lying to her, but Hope needed me, and I can't turn down a chance to go and ride at Desert Flower for free.

"Well, I better go," I said, then pulled my tennis shoes on and walked out the door.

Lucky for me, Desert Flower is pretty close to my house, and I know a short cut.

I walked out of my neighborhood, and towards the park, where I was supposed to be. But I wasn't stopping here. I continued on deeper through the park, and finally, I reached the whole other side of the park. Desert Flower is only a few streets away from this end of the park.

After walking for another 10 minutes, I reached Desert Flower. Immediately I felt relief rush through me. I was happy to be home.

I walked into the stables, and knocked on Kayla's office door.

"It's open!"

I turned the handle and pushed the door open. Kayla was sitting at her desk with stacks of paper everywhere!

"Kayla!" I squealed, and ran to give her a hug. 

I know, it's only been a week, but I've really missed her. I've missed everything about Desert Flower. I've been riding here for many years.


I walked nervously into the barn, squeezing my mom's hand. I was excited, but nervous at the same time. I was finally going to ride a horse!

When we walked inside, we were greeted by a younger lady.

"Hello! My name is Kayla, and welcome to Desert Flower! You must be Faith," she said to me, and I grinned and nodded my head.

"Well, I heard that it's a special day for you, you're birthday, right?" she said. 

"Yep! I'm 8 years old," I said proudly, and I could feel my mom smiling behind me.

"Wow, you're almost grown up," Kayla said with a kind smile. "So, would you like to meet the pony you're going to ride today?" Kayla asked.

"YES!" I squealed, and practically bounced the whole way behind Kayla.

We walked a few stalls down, and then we stopped in front of one stall. I peered at the name plate. ZIPPY is what it said.

"Zippy," I said to no one in particular.

"Yes, you're going to ride Zippy today," Kayla said, then gestured for me to follow her.

She showed me how to halter, lead, and brush Zippy. When he was all tacked up, we had headed outside to the outdoor arena. 

She gave me a leg up onto the chestnut pony, and when I settled into the saddle, something just felt right. I was happy in the saddle!

"I'm going to lead you around the ring until you feel comfortable steering on your own," Kayla said, and I nodded.

She led me around for a few laps, and I learned quickly how to steer Zippy around. We made several successful circuits around the arena, and then Kayla clipped a long rope to the bridle. 

She called in a lunge line, and she said that I was gonna trot!

I squeezed Zippy into a trot, and he trotted lazily around in a circle. It felt like flying!

We had done a little bit more trotting, and then she told me that it was time to cool Zippy down. We walked around in lazy circles until he was cooled down, and then Kayla helped me off of Zippy, and I gave him a hug.

"Thank you Zippy," I said, and petted him as we led him back into his stall after untacking him and brushing him.

I fed him a treat, and his whiskers tickled my small hand as he inhaled the carrot. I giggled.

"This is the best day ever!" I said, and jumped up and down as my mom and Kayla laughed.


That really was the best day ever.

A/N: hey guys! so I'm hoping to be able to update more now that I finally got a laptop!!!!! i'm really excited cause now i can update so much more!!:)

please vote and comment what you think. did you guys like the flashback? i did:)

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