Ch. 9

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When we get home, my mom told me to shower and she would order Chinese food. I agreed, and headed up to my bathroom. I took my clothes off, and hopped in the shower. The warm water felt good, and I scrubbed my hair with sweet smelling shampoo, and used my new shower gel from Bath and Body Works.

I got out of the shower and dried off, then put on some pj pants and a tank top. I walked downstairs, and heard my parents talking. I crouched down and listened from another room.

"Look, we can't keep her in lessons if I don't have a job," Dad said, looking at Mom.

"But sweetie, she loves it, and she's doing really well. We should let her keep riding," Mom said.

Oh my gosh, it's about me and riding!

"But if we don't have any money, we won't be able to pay for the lessons and our taxes," Dad said. Mom was quiet after that. 

"Maybe we can talk to Kayla. We'll tell her about what's going on, and see if we can make some sort of deal," Mom said.

"It's not worth it! We really just need to take a break from the riding, at least until I have a steady job again," Dad said.

"I understand, but let's just let Faith continue with her lessons, just after the show. And if you don't have a job by then, then we'll tell her. But who knows! You might have a job by then," Mom said, and I assume Dad nodded and agreed, cause there was no more discussion about it.

I stalked back up to my room. I thought about what I had just heard. 

Dad lost his job, so we are losing money, which means until after the show, I'm done with riding. No more Hope. No more Moon. No more Stormy. No more Cooper. No more riding.

I curled up on my bed and began to cry. I just cried and cried, and when my parents called me down, saying that they had picked up the food, I wiped my eyes, tried my best to act and look like I wasn't crying, and went downstairs. I put food on my plate, ate it, and went back upstairs, without saying one word.


As I was getting ready for a team practice, I thought about how I had to make every lesson until the show count. They were the only ones I would be getting for a while......

We arrived at the barn, and I checked and saw that I was riding New Moon. I got him ready, then headed into the arena. Usually, I would've tried to tell Moon about what was going on, but he's not really a horse who senses what your feeling. I'll have to talk to Hope after my practice.

I warmed Moon up, and then Kayla walked in. 

"Today, we are having a jumping and dressage practice," she said, and I smiled. I'm glad we get to do both!

"We'll start out with dressage, then finish up with some jumping. Please do a sitting trot along the rail," Kayla said, and I put all my focus towards the lesson.

An hour later, I was cooling Moon out from our lesson. It had been tough, but I was glad. I needed the distraction. 

When Moon was cool, I put him away, then went over to Hope's stall. "I'm having a tough time right now, Hope," I said as I watched her stand in her stall.

She pricked her ears at me, seeming to say, "Go on."

"I overheard my parents talking, okay, maybe not 'overheard', more like eavesdropped, but they said that I'll have to stop taking riding lessons after the show. My dad lost his job, and we're running out of money. Stupid taxes," I said, and Hope came over to me, and nuzzled my shoulder. At this point, I had realized that a stray tear had found its way down my cheek. When Hope had lifted her nose up, and touched my cheek, I started bawling. "I don't wanna leave Desert Flower and I don't wanna stop riding," I croaked through tears, and I grabbed Hope into a hug. She leaned into my hug, and I wish I could just stay there forever.

When I finally let go, she rubbed her head against me, as if to say, "It's going to be okay! We'll figure out a way."

"We can try," I said to her, and wiped my eyes. I stayed in her stall until all trace of crying was gone. "Bye girl," I said, then left her stall, and went to the parking lot, where my mom waited in our car.

I got in, and she grinned at me. "Hi Faith! How was your practice?" she asked joyfully, and I just shrugged.

"It was fine," is all I said, then looked out the window as we drove away from the stables. She continued to ask questions about my practice, and I used as little of words as I could. I felt a big pit in my stomach, and the pit grew bigger each second as we drove away from home.


A/N: hey guys! So, I'm updating BF again! Yay! the chapters for Blind Faith will be shorter than my other books, just because it is a shorter and simpler plot than my other books. I try to keep my books around 30 chapters, give or take a few, but BF is going to be 25 chapters at tops. I'm going to try to keep updating fast because I have 2 other books that I would like to start! I know I will be starting Double Trouble, the third book in the NBACF series. I think that one will also be shorter. Hopefully when that one's done, I will start posting chapters for a book called Training Trident:) and there was another book that I wanted to work on, but now i'm loosing inspiration for that one, so i don't think it would be fair to the readers if I was barely hanging on to the book and didn't really care about it. so yeah! bye guys:)

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