Chapter 3

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Now the real question is wtf do you wear to a party? do I wear a dress? no, all my dresses are spring dresses they are not party-like.

"hey," my older sister says entering my room and throwing herself in my bed "Hey," I said looking at my closet while having a  crisis choosing what to wear, so I chose baggy jeans and a big shirt with Beyonce on it " so you wanna go eat some ice cream at the park, It's night time and it's dark just how you like it yk, all quiet and shit, like the old grandma you are," she said looking at me.

"I'm going out,"  I said as I was putting my jeans on  "What were?" she asked sitting back up and looking at the girl who never goes out and just stays home "A party a guy invited me to this frat," I said casually pretending not to be nervous.

"wait so a boy invited you to a party and you going out looking like that?" she said as I looked at myself in the mirror, "hey there's nothing wrong with Queen B," I said offended "Obviously There is nothing wrong with Beyonce is just that in a party you don't wear casual clothes trust me," she said getting up and going to the room that is next to hers and getting something in her closet

she came back with a black loose but very short skirt and a combined black crop top "This is what you wear if you wanna impress a guy yk, if you want to get laid tonight nobody is looking at you with that on" "girl I'm not trying to impress nobody or getting laid and you know that," I said annoyed about her comment. "Just put it on trust me" "No I'm not putting it on I'm good as I am"  "Yes babe I know but if you want to try to get friends at least dress cool to a party" After thinking it I decided to put it on, I want to be popular have friends like Hyunjin said, I want to be different but tho let me put a jacket on first cz this outfit is just not me.

8:36 pm

As I was waiting impatiently for Chan to come I was nervous, what if this was a prank and he tried to make fun of me? what if this is just another stupid bet like the one you heard these stupid kids do, what if he just left without me to make me illusion myself that I was accompanied by someone at this party... ugh I  can't let this happen, as I retract myself from going to this party as I hear a honk on my front door "Hey I'm so sorry I'm late he shouts from the car's window as I  go outside "come inside" he said waving his hand at me, I go to the car and open the door to my seat and get comfortable "no worries" I express some sympathy with him and continue to put my seatbelt on. "I was busy with a music project due this Monday," he said smiling  at me "Sorry again I didn't mean to make you feel like I forgot or something," he said reassuring me driving away from my parking lot, "It's fine no worries I was just finishing a book I'm reading," I said fiddling with my index finger "ohhhh nice what you read," he said looking at the road making conversation "uhh books" I laugh nervously 

He chuckles "Yeah but what kind of books silly," he says smiling still looking at the road, "well you know... the ones that have words on them" You chuckled awkwardly wishing for this topic to end, and all he does is laugh and look at you with a smirk converting into a smile "what do you mean the ones that have words on them? Do you read naughty things or what?" he said knowing god damn that I do but he just wants to tease me "NO no way I would never read that," I said getting defensive but my ears betraying me as I feel the heat of embarrassment flowing against my skin "sure..." he says smiling trying to sound convinced by my statement "No, I mean it I don't" I again try to prove him wrong, but something I never learned was to lie "ok yeah sure" he again sarcastically "you know, to make you feel better" he stops clearing his throat and looking at me and back to the road "you know Seugmin?" he waits for my answer  looking back at the road

"the brown hair boy? the most normal out of all of you?" I ask him "Yeah that one" he confirms my assumptions "he reads all that nasty shit, every time we go to a library he has a stack of them ready to read and buy them" he chuckles remembering the actions of the sweet boy that you see almost every day at the hallways "so I think you guys can be good friends you know, I can introduce you guys" he laughs as I hit his arm "I swear I don't read that"I get more embarrassed as I try to prove my not so innocent ass.

"sure love sure," he says trying to calm down from laughing so much I'm getting red at his comment  "You know I would've believed you if you didn't get defensive at all, but your cheeks tell me something else," he says looking at me "but it's fine they say those girls are the most interesting to talk to," he says looking back at the road.

"Really? Why is it?" you ask curiously "idk that's what they say, they say that you girls hold dark secrets," he says making it sound like he is narrating a scary story, I laugh "What is that supposed to mean?" I say between laughs, he also laughs" idk you know what people say right, that they are the freakiest ones" he laughs as you look uncomfortable at the topic knowing that it is true but how would you know, you never experienced something like that "but of course not you because you don't read that stuff" he says sarcastically again as you smile and roll your eyes at him.

he keeps driving as you see the big house under the name of Hwang Hyunjin full of people and loud music 

"Remember don't worry about the people or anything like that, I'm going to be by your side all the time, or I'll try to, nah just kidding I will be there with you just tell me if you want to leave but try to have fun, I will take care of you" he smiled ensuring me to have fun and not worry about anything

"Thanks, Chan," you said nervously as you saw his cute dimples showing out as his smile grew into a big one, it was nice for someone to show some kindness towards you as no one ever did to you besides your sister 

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