Chapter 6

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                                                                      Saturday   September  22nd 8am

I get woken by loud banging at my door as I try to open my eyes as I still feel tired

"WAKE UP YOU LITTLE BITCH! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL NIGHT HUH?" he storms into my room as I forget to lock the door last night. My father throws my things from my desk 

"I DIDN'T GET MY DINNER YESTERDAY BECAUSE YOUR WHORING ASS WENT PARTYING LAST NIGHT" he continues screaming and throwing my stuff to the floor, he gets near me and I get up and step backward, but the next thing I see is his fist directly to my face 

                                                                  Sunday September 23rd  4pm 

I am currently putting ice on my eye because it is all blue and purple, and I am looking for the biggest sunglasses I own to put on for tomorrow at school, the worst thing is that I have a meeting for the group project, and I can't apply makeup because it hurts so much 

Since my mom died my father blamed me for it, he has been physically and verbally abusive to me, and yes I did try to call the police but my father is a psycho and made them believe everything was fine. and that was when I was 14, I wanted to get out of there but my job didn't allow me to get out of my abusive house.

As I try to study for tomorrow's test I feel sleepy, I haven't been able to sleep well because of the pain, So I get some painkillers to kill the pain for now 

                                                              Monday September 24th 7am 

I get ready to leave school leave him some breakfast ready eat some myself and go to the bus stop, my eyes are hurting and these big glasses don't let me see correctly.

Lucky for my sister, she doesn't live with us anymore, I asked her before to let me live with her, but her boyfriend doesn't let her, so at the end of the day I am alone, and nobody cares about my situation.

I get to the bus station just in time to get in it and drive away to school.

I walk inside the school and take the fucking stairs that leave me without a fucking lung, my backpack hanging on my shoulders and Chan's cleans clothes in a nice paper bag, I pull my hoodie up my head to hide my face from people seeing me.

I get to my class and see Yuna on her phone and Lia trying to talk to her, I smile and pass through them and get to my spot at the back of the class, and take my phone out.

"yeah but you know you are too good for her bae" I hear a female voice, loud and annoying,  I lift my head to look at this girl who is following Chan to his seat that was 2 tables away from me just to sit at his table at the moment he bent to take out his things for class "oh," he said surprised by her right in front of him, he smiles and says " excuse me  Aein," he said nicely to her

"but I want to sit here with you," she said spreading her legs in front of him, tilting her face sideways trying to be 'cute' "Sure you can sit here" he smiled grabbing his stuff, and moved to the table next to me, I smile in a laughing way by his action and look back down to my phone

He smiled back at the girl and started to organize his stuff, "hey" he talked to me, "hey" I answered without looking at him trying to hide my face from him.

"she gets annoying sometimes," he tells me about the girl rolling his eyes about the situation," you got her deprived man," I said chucking as he laughed "Guess she didn't get enough last time" he chuckles leaning back to the chair and I smile, still having my head staring at my phone.

Just a BetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora