Chapter 7

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"Are you avoiding me?"  he tells me 

"What? no, I'm not" I shift uncomfortably trying to hide the unexpected news I just got told about him

"Then why are you canceling all our plans and not even looking at me? did I do something wrong?" he asked now stopping walking and turning to face me, so I turned to him 

"Look, I just have a terrible eye infection and I just don't feel comfortable with people seeing it, and it hurts awful, I don't want to seem weird being around you with big ass sunglasses on right?" you try defending yourself 

"ok, come with me" he grabs your hand and pulls you toward the parking lot to his car, I get in with no context thinking how easily I can get kidnaped in life

"where are we going?" he starts the car and gets out of the uni "You'll see" he sighs frustrated 

he parks in a mini station mall where I can see restaurants, boutiques, ice cream shops, and more, I get excited as  I see the ice cream shop going straight to it, but before I enter it Chan grabs my arm and pulls me to the right, "here, we can go there later" he pulls me to a pharmacy

"hello what can I help you with?" the kind lady says  "Hi can we get a cream for an eye infection, please," he says kindly as  I freeze,  I didn't know this was coming. "of course, I will need to see how infected it is soi can refer you to an antibiotic" she smiles looking at him 

I look down as I would not like him to see my bruised eye, I look at him and he pressures me "Don't worry I won't say anything to anyone" he smiles. I take my glasses off and look at the woman. She nodded "Sweetie that is not an infection, that is a bruise caused by a hit" Chan didn't look at me respecting my decisions. Still, when she said it was a bruise he grabbed my face and started examining it, his eyes widened when he saw my eye "But we do have some cream for the swollen area and the pain" she typed something in the computer "We have x product for the swollen area and for the pain..." she searches in the computer "do you have any pain in your eye?" she looks at me "yes I do have lots of pain" I nod and look down feeling guilty about lying to him.

"we will take both, please," he says taking out his wallet "Oh, don't worry Chan I will pay for it," you said putting your glasses back on and taking out your wallet "Don't, I come here to buy you something for your eye so let me" he places your wallet down and he takes out his card to pay

"Thank you have a nice day " She smiles and we leave towards the car, when we both shut the door only silence can be heard 

"Who did this to you?" he tries to say calmly way trying to concentrate looking directly into the road while the car is still parked 

"I -umm" you have trouble telling the truth 

"When did this happen? and why didn't you tell me anything?" 

"I- uh it happened on Saturday" You feel scared not knowing what he is going to do 

"Who did this to you Y/n? I need to know" his worried eyes look back at you 

"my dad" you murmur to him looking down, you never had someone who truly worried about you when this used to happen 

"why the fuck would he hit you?" he looked at you with an unbelievable expression on his face

"Because I came home late last Friday" you murmur not wanting him to feel that this was his fault 

"he hit you becuase you were out late, but aren't you 23?" he looks more shocked and angry than ever

"I'm used to it, ever since my mom died he has been hitting me for any excuse he can find, so don't worry about me," I say looking out the window

"We need to do something about it Y/n I can't let this happen again what the actual fuck is wrong with him?" he starts the car

"I already tried everything and I have nowhere to go, the police won't do anything about it"

"Why don't you move out?" he asks you "My job doesn't allow me with my low income, and trust me if I could I would"

"mhm let me think..." he stays quiet

"don't worry about me Chan I swear it's fine, actually thank you for worrying about me" I express my gratitude towards him  

"look my sister is looking for a roommate, how about you pay the 20% each month and I will pay for the rest and I will talk to her ok?"

"no Chan please, it's fine, that's practically living for free" you saw feeling flustered about his request 

"Another option is living with me, but I don't know how you are going to feel about that" he looks at me

"Chan don't worry about me, I don't want to be a burden to you" 

"ok... just... please call me if he ever does the same thing again" I nod and he smiles at me 

he drives me home and says goodbye to me "Please know that I'm here if you need me ok?"

I nod and wave "Thank you for everything again" he smiles and waves back 

I get inside the house and run towards my room and lock the door, throwing myself in the bed I cover my face in my pillow kicking my feet "Oh my God he is such a bitch" you said giggling and kicking your feet  for making you feel butterflies in your tummy

You get up take a shower, do your skincare, and apply both creams around your eye

you lay back down grabbing a bag of chips in your top drawer and keeping snacks there so you don't have to get out of your room 

you grab your phone and open your contact to Chris's phone number 

                                                     -Thank you for the cream Chris it helped calm the pain around my eye 

 -ofc Y/nie text me if you need anything else:) 

                                                                                                               - I will thank you again, Chris, good night 

-goodnight Y/n 

you put your phone back down feeling that crazy feeling on your stomach smiling to yourself, but then remember what Mina said about Sana and Chris last time, oh great there goes one of the best days ever.

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