Chapter 12

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You wake up in your bed, a blanket covering your torso.

you grab your phone looking at the time 7:26 am 


you get up from bed immediately looking for clothes to shower and change to as your class starts at 8 am

you get out of your room and run towards the shower with everything in your hand.

you get your hair done and fit done as well, you wear baggy jeans and a tight crop top with sleeves and a loose ponytail 

you make your way to the living room to go out of the house but see Chan in the kitchen cooking something that smells really good 

"good morning" he says 

"hi, good morning," you say trying to rush towards the front door and putting your shoes on 

"are you going to have breakfast?" he offers what he is making

"Oh" you feel bad "I usually don't have breakfast Chan and Im running late is 7:41 and classes start at 8 and the bus ride to is always 15- 20 minutes to school"

"It doesn't matter come and have breakfast, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so please sit down have some food and I will drive you"

"but you don't have classes until 10 right?" you asked concerned about making him waste gas

"yeah don't worry about it, we are near school anyways " You nod and sit down to share breakfast with him

He serves your eggs, bacon, and toast with jam, you thank him for the food and start eating with him, sitting on opposite sides of the small table with no small talk but just listening to the cars passing by and birds chirping near the kitchen window. 

"what's your first class?" he asks you taking the conversation 

"Criminal justice course" you roll your eyes

he chuckles "Why don't you like that class?" he asks

"don't get me wrong I do enjoy it but the teacher is a pervert so it's  very uncomfortable to be in his class" 

"oh well he is full of shit then," he says getting on your side and you nod 

you get up and thank him for the food, wash your dish, and rush to the bathroom to brush your teeth, you grab your bag and head to the door to see Chris with both keys in his hands and a beanie on his head

"ready?"  he asks you as you nod and get out so he can lock his apartment 

you get in the car and wait for him to start the car, but before  that, he puts some music on, some  R&B to start as you start to vibe to SZA, you see that we get close to school 

"Can I ask you something?" you ask him

"yeah of course" he answers you 

"I didn't get to finish my ice cream last night"

he laughs through his smile

"yeah I had to throw it away but there is more in the freezer" he assures me about my concern 

"Did I fall asleep on the couch?" I try to get the tea out of why I was in my bed this morning

"yeah you did, but no worries" he smiles

"then why was I on my bed this morning?" I ask knowing well the goddamn answer but wanting to get the answer out of him to confirm my beliefs 

"Oh, I took you to your room, i hope that didn't make you uncomfortable" he smiles shyly as his cheeks paint a nice shade of light pink 

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