Chapter 10

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your hand goes up to your lips and feeling the blood in your fingers makes you tremble


you never yelled back at him, so he was surprised, you left everything and ran towards your room and locked it, you looked at the clock, Chan was supposed to be here in 10 minutes

you called him

it rang once, anxiety crawled through your skin feeling unwell

it rang twice, and you could taste the metal liquid on your tongue

it rang three times, and tears started to stream down your face

"Hello?" he picked up

I try to breathe in to calm myself before talking  to him, but when I sucked in my runny nose provoking a sound

"Are you ok are you crying?" his voice sounds concerned.... shit at least someone is worried about you 

"I'm ok, I just think I won't be able to make it today," you say still cleaning up your wound  with toilet paper

"Why did something happen?" he sounded even more worried than before

" Don't worry it's just my dad again" you say but your voice breaks 

"Did he do something to you?" he asked seriously 

"No, don't worry about it, I just wanted to let you know so you don't have to come all the way here" you sniffle your nose 

"ok, I'm coming over"  he hangs up the phone 


What in the fucking world did he not understand about Do not come here, he is going to make things worst.

you sit on your bed; worried about something bad happening.

then you hear the doorbell, making a sound all around the quiet place you open your bedroom door to make your way to open the house door but you hear your father opening the door

"Who are you and what do you want?" he asks with an ugly attitude

"Hello Mr. L/n I'm here to take Y/n," Chan says but your father scoffs 

"Yeah, good luck with that one kid she is a total bitch and a whore" he rolls his eyes 

"I would appreciate it if you wouldn't talk about her like that" he smiles keeping his anger in him 

"I can say whatever the fuck I want about her," he says getting defensive and looking for a fight 

"ok sir" Chan tries not to start a fight, even if he wishes to punch his face 

"if you excuse me I need to go get her" he grinds his teeth and lets Chan in as he goes to the stairs, being his first guess as he didn't see any rooms on the first floor, but he stepped onto the stairs he finds you at the top making eye contact with you.

he gets closer and whispers so your father can't hear him "What happened?"

your eyes get teary as you make your way to your room where there is the light he follows behind 

he makes contact with your bruised lip and then looks at you 

"he was drunk and started talking down at me so I talked back and he hit me" You try to conceal your tears as you explain, getting nervous and embarrassed at the fact that he is here seeing you in such a terrible state.

way to go y/n, you made a fool of yourself and he probably thinks you're a-pick me for crying, but shit you can't hold it anymore.

 "ok pack your things, we are leaving this shit hole" he rubs his hands in his pants takes a big breath, and exhales deeply 

"what do you mean" You clean the tears that didn't succeed in staying in, your breath getting shaky

"We are going to my place for now but you need to leave this place and it's urgent," he says seriously 

"but.... my dad will be mad, he might find me and hit me more," you say getting scared as  he grabs your forearms which were shaking "Take a big breath for me ok?" you try to breathe looking everywhere but him, at his proximity with you

"everything is going to be fine, we are going to get out of here and then we will see what we can do ok" You look uncertainly "You are going to be safe" You nod and breathe again looking at him, tears trying to spill again but you hold it 

he lets go and starts looking around the place for necessary things" You have a suitcase?" he asks and you nod as you quickly move to your closet taking it out 

"ok pack your clothes and tell me if you need help taking something else but we need to be quick" You nod and take a smaller bag from your bathroom cabinets and give it to him

"you can help me pack my bathroom necessities if you want?" you ask feeling guilty for asking for help, he is already helping you too much by taking you to his place 

"of course let me do that" he goes to your connected bathroom which was a bit unorganized, but hey, life at a university is tough and you barely have time for yourself 

you start packing all your clothes trying to make them small so they can fit, but also working fast. On the other hand, Chan organizes the small bag with your soap, shampoo, and everything you have inside the shower, and then he takes your toothbrush and toothpaste, he then opens a cabinet in front of him and sees different types of pills, putting them all in your bag and finds a little basket with pads, also organizing them ion your little suitcase, thanking heavens all fit in perfectly he closed it making sure he isn't miss anything

you finish packing all your clothes and undies, and now you are looking for your shoes under your bed but Chan comes out of the bathroom "Everything is here, including your skincare and all your necessities so don't worry" he smiles and puts them in his backpack he brought in case of this happening 

after you got everything you closed your suitcase  and nodded to him, confirming that you were ready to go, he took the big bag and carried it to your bedroom door "This has to be quick and quiet so he doesn't see us" you nodded being scared for your life 

he holds the suitcase on his shoulder so he can see the stairs as you take the backpack and quietly make your way down.

he makes sure to look if he is not at the door before opening it as you both get out and head to the car he puts the luggage in the back seat to not make noise and gets to the passenger's seat  seeing you already buckled up, he starts the car and drives away

He drives away from the hell you have been condemned to your whole life 

Your lungs leave a breath you didn't know you were holding 

as you felt free

you felt new.

Just a BetNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ