Chapter 11

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6:13 pm

The car's engine turns off, you look through the window encountering Chan's apartment.

you look at him and he smiles softly, his smile telling you that you will be ok

"Come on, let's go inside before it starts raining" his soft smile never leaving his lips, making you feel calm and safe

you get out of the car, making sure not to slam the door of his car as you help him get your bags out of the car

he takes his keys out and locks the car before putting them back in his pocket and taking out his keys to his home, he opens his door and lets us in 

"Welcome to my house" he smiles as he puts both keys on the little table near the door, he takes off his shoes as I do as well

"thank you," I tell him almost in a whisper but loud enough for him to hear me 

"let me get you to your room" he carries your bag with two hands and leads the way to the room you will be staying in for now.

as you walk through his home you can see the living room a black, soft couch with a white blanket that lays unfolded in the left corner of the sofa, but to the left of the living room there stands the kitchen with all its light out, as well the hallway that has 4 rooms in it, Its a small apartment, but it's s great size just for him o live in it. 

at the end of the hallway, there are 2 rooms in front of each other; thin paper walls cover the whole house.

He opens the left door of the 2 rooms at the end of the hallway "Here is your room, I hope you feel comfortable in it, and if you need something my room is just in front of yours" he lets a laugh through he smiles nervously 

"no, don't worry Chan thank you for everything actually" You look at the floor feeling embarrassed of his kindness in letting you live with him for now 

"ok then I will let you get comfortable, the bathroom  is in the room next to you, and please tell me if you need something I will be in the living room" he smiles at you and closes your door

you can feel his pity towards you and you hate it, but you also thank him for getting you out of that hell as you look around the room you see a single bed with white bedsheets the wall behind it is also white which makes it look clean  with a single table next to the bed with small cabinets

It also had a small wooden closet in the corner of the room you rool your bag next to the bed and sit on the edge of the bed

you hug your knees thinking about your next step, you can't live here for free you will need to pay him, help him with rent, food, water, and electricity, and your job is only a part-time at a 24/7 cafe that pays me $7 per day and I only work 4 days a week and per month that is $112

It would not be sufficient to help him out, that's why I couldn't live on my own.

Let's hope he doesn't tell me to pay right away so I have time to look for another job to work as well. As your mind is making numbers of how much you will need to pay Chris per month it adds up to $240 per month

That is impossible you nearly make $100 per month how the fuck will you be able to pay him!

your thoughts get interrupted by a knock at your door and then it opens

"Hey, you still up for some tacos? we can order it online and watch a movie if you want?"

You sit back in the right position not hugging your knees anymore 

"Sure, takeout sounds nice" You try to put a smile on your face, but he could read the stress in the way your body was tense and the way you were sitting before.

"ok I will order and will it in the living room so I can play a movie" he smiles and closes the door 

you look back to your suitcase open it and change your clothes into some sweatpants and a loose shirt that displays AC DC in it.

you go out of the room to go towards the living room You look at Chan who is on the doorstep picking up the takeout from the man "Thank you" you hear him say to the man and he closes the door

"Hey, you ready?" he asks you and sits on the couch "Yeah" 

he changed his clothes from jeans to a black shirt to shorts with the same black shirt

"Love the shirt by the way," he tells me looking at the AC DC logo " I love their music" he comments "Me too they have amazing songs," you tell him

"Come sit here" he pats the spot next to him as he saw you awkwardly standing there

I bought chicken and need tacos and there is some consome in the bag" he signals to the food in front of you on the coffee table 

"thank you" You smile and grab a plate that was lying next to the tacos and grab a chicken one 

he bites into the beef taco and looks at you pointing to the TV "What would you like to watch?" he sits back putting his feet up on the couch 

"whatever you want is fine" You bite into  your food

"what genre do you like?" he asks you, not choosing a movie himself

"anything but horror" he nods and opens up the Netflix app

"how about comedy" he gives you the option to choose

"Sure" You cover your mouth that had the food you were chewing 

"how about grown-ups?" you nod and swallow your food 

"great movie" Your comments get him to choose the movie as it starts playing

8:56 pm 

the movie finished, nothing weird happened you both had a good distance between each other and actually laughed together forgetting about the reality of the world for a moment.

"I bought strawberry ice cream," he says as your eyes widen at the sound of your favorite ice cream 

"would you like some?" he offers as you agree 

"let me help you" you offer your help as he nods and you both make your way to the kitchen 

you open the freezer to take out the ice cream and he takes out the bowls and spoons 

"do you want to serve or do you want me to serve?" he asked

"I can serve, it's fine," I say as he nods and goes over to the couch to pick up the dirty plates and wash them 

as you both finish you guys eat your ice cream in quietness sitting on the couch 

"Are you ok?" he asks you as eat your ice cream slowly 

"yeah I'm ok" You look  down at your lap 

" hey you know you can talk to me right?" he puts his hand on your knee and you look at him 

you hold your breath so you keep yourself from crying "Umm" you find difficulty trying to form sentences from all the emotions that want to come out of you.

but you break when you feel him put his cup on the table and hug you, tears immediately leaving your sad eyes 

he doesn't say anything but just holds you while you sob in his arms, feeling guilty that his helping you, feeling embarrassed by the words your father said about you and he had to hear it, also feeling guilty about crying when you should be discussing ways to help him while you find a place to stay.

"I just feel horrible for everything, and now I feel bad for dragging you onto this" Your sobs get harder 

"no don't say that and don't worry about it ok?" 

he holds u rubbing your back until you calm down 

until you feel your eyes get heavier 

and heavier so you let them shut down 

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