Chapter 5

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He parks the car and gets out "Oof it chill outside he goes to the back of his car grabs a hoodie and puts it on "Are you cold?" he asks me as I'm wearing a skirt a crop top and a small leather jacket covering me only

"yeah kinda but don't worry about it, it's fine," I said to him so he didn't have to take off his hoodie

but someone cuts him off by whistling "You look, good mama, how much per hour?" a group of high school boys screams at me laughing and checking me out, but Chris walks up to them "You gotta problem man?" he warns the highschool boys, and they start nervously laughing, of course, they got scared Christopher has a really good and big shape compared to a boy "no man sorry didn't mean to ruin your night with the slut" one of the boys speak trying to be cool blowing vape out of his mouth "you know kids that not a way you treat a lady" he tries to stay cool and not lose his temper but the boys act like they don't care then suddenly one of them gets closer to Chris trying to intimidate him but Chan swings first as the boy touches the ground "who's next?" Chan asks smirking at them and then looking at their name tag in their uniform " Misul, Taehoon, Eunro from Light High School, now I have the names and addresses of where you guys are, so don't be surprised if you get called in the office tomorrow" one of the boys tries to run away while the other one is still on the floor holding his nose but he catches him by the collar with one hand " Learn how to treat a lady, that not how you talk to them you heard me?" Chris raises his voice at him  "Y-yes" they all answer "Now apologize to the young lady here" he says with the same angry tone "W-we're sorry m-miss" he lets go of them and the kids run back to their houses "and stop smoking if you want to live longer" Chan screams at them before turning around to look at me/

"Are you ok?" he asked me and I nodded still with a shocked face 

"Is your hand ok," you said trying to grab his hand and look at it 

he shook his hand and said "I'm fine don't worry about me" he smiled reassuring me "Do you still want to eat ice cream? Or do you want to go back home?" he asks me 

"I would like to but I think I chose the wrong outfit for today and I'm feeling kinda uncomfortable with people I don't know," I say looking down as I think I just lost my opportunity to go for ice cream with him 

"no worries look, you know I work right?" I nod to him "My work is 2 hours away from him that's why I'm not here weekends because that's when I work... anyways, I always have clean warm clothes for the drive" he said getting to the back of the car, and opening a bag and takes out some sweatpants and a hoodie " so you can change into this if you want, and to be more comfortable" he suggested as he smiles at me "thanks but where can I change?" I look around for public bathrooms but I don't see none "Umm good question, you can change in the car if you want i swear I will look, and nobody is around this corner so nobody will look at you" his dimples always showing his kindness Inod as he opens the back of the car door and closes it before turning around 

I take off my skirt and then put on his sweatpants, take off the leather jacket, and put on his hoodie, I make sure my hair is still nice and get out of the car.

"see you look even cozier now," he remarks on my appearance as his clothes look huge on me now "But you still look very nice," he says as he puts his hands in his pockets, I smile at him and look down at the clothes that I have on and back to him "thank you very much I'll make sure to give it back safe and sound" my feelings getting the best of me and making me smile like a dork. he smiles back and puts around my shoulder to make sure I cross the street safely 

after we crossed the street he let go, but something inside me didn't want him to let go,istg I'm,  so touched-deprived because why the fuck am I so nervous? is my first time going out with this dude... you need to chill y/n I think to myself, this is not even a date, I need to seek help, I swear I blame it on the books... but... is it his smile? or the way he talks? his kindness? 

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