#1 Galley Turn! The Culinary Crossover!

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The sun gleamed through the kitchen window, casting a golden light on Vinsmoke Sanji as he stood behind the counter of Barratie. With a knife in hand, he expertly sliced through an array of vegetables, leaving perfectly uniform cuts with each precise motion. The subtle sound of metal against the cutting board filled the air, blending into the cacophony of his coworkers bustling around him.

"Order up!" called one of the cooks, as Sanji placed the last slice of bell pepper onto a plate, garnishing it with a delicate sprig of parsley. He wiped his hands on his apron, briefly glancing at the steaming pot on the stove before turning his attention to the next dish.

"Sanji, we need more of that sauce," shouted Patty, one of his fellow chefs, as she mixed a large bowl of pasta.

"Coming right up," Sanji replied with a nod, his eyes never leaving the task at hand.

As he worked, Sanji's thoughts wandered. His mind was like a well-oiled machine when it came to cooking, allowing him the freedom to think and contemplate while his hands moved with practiced precision. He wondered about the lives of the people who would be eating his food. Food had a way of bringing people together, and though he may not have been the most social of individuals, Sanji found solace in knowing that his creations could play such an essential role in the lives of others.

"Sanji, table six is waiting for their dessert," a chef interrupted, snapping him back to reality.

"Right away," he responded quietly, plating the decadent chocolate cake with a flourish before handing it off to him.

As the evening wore on, the restaurant grew busier, the hum of conversation and laughter from the dining room growing louder with each passing hour. Yet amidst the chaos, Sanji remained a calm and focused presence in the kitchen – an island of serenity amidst a sea of commotion.

"Great job tonight, everyone!" Zeff, the head chef and owner of Barratie, called out as the last customers began to trickle out. "Sanji, come see me in my office before you leave."

"All right, old man," Sanji replied, curiously furrowing his brow as he wiped down his station.

As the kitchen quieted down, Sanji couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his work. He had come so far in his culinary journey, and now, as the youngest sous chef at Barratie, he knew that he was finally making a difference in the world through his passion – one delicious dish at a time.

Sanji's fingers danced effortlessly across the countertop, expertly slicing a fresh assortment of vegetables as he prepared his next culinary masterpiece. His gaze remained fixed on his work, but he couldn't help overhearing the giggles and excited chatter from the dining room. The restaurant was positively buzzing tonight, filled with attractive patrons.

"Excuse me," a soft voice brought him out of his thoughts. Sanji looked up to see a stunning woman standing at the kitchen window, her cerulean eyes twinkling with curiosity. "I just wanted to say that the dish you prepared for me was absolutely divine."

"Ah, merci beaucoup, mademoiselle," Sanji replied, a charming smile spreading across his face. "I'm thrilled to hear you enjoyed it. Might I add, your beauty rivals that of any delicacy I could ever create."

The woman blushed, clearly flattered by his attention. "Why, thank you! You're quite the charmer, aren't you?"

"Only when I'm in the presence of such captivating company," he answered smoothly, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Alright, Romeo," a gruff voice interrupted. One of the other cooks, Patty, scowled at Sanji from behind the grill. "Save the flirting for after hours, will ya? We've got orders piling up here."

The Sweetest DishOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz