#6 Culinary Clash! The Roar of Authority!

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Hana kicked off her shoes and collapsed onto the plush, oversized beanbag chair in her cozy apartment. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she stared at the ceiling, her mind replaying the scene from earlier that night at the Baratie.

"Hey, it's okay. Please don't cry...please... I hate to see you cry..." Sanji's voice echoed in her memory. She could still see his concerned gaze and feel the warmth of his hand as it briefly brushed against hers. He had stood up for her when that obnoxious customer had made those rude remarks, causing her cheeks to flush in a mixture of embarrassment and gratitude.

"Sanji... what are you doing to me?" she mumbled under her breath, unable to shake the image of his face as he'd looked at her with genuine concern.

Her heart fluttered as she recalled the way he would look at her before returning to his duties, the flames from the kitchen dancing in his eyes. In those moments, she felt a magnetic pull towards him, one she struggled to resist.

"Get a grip, Hana," she scolded herself internally, trying to snap out of her daydream. "You're here to work, to learn about the fish, and to help Baratie become even better. You're not here for... whatever this is."

But as hard as she tried to push Sanji from her thoughts, there he remained—his strong hands, his effortless charm, his unwavering confidence in the kitchen. And now, after tonight, his gallantry.

"Ugh," she groaned aloud, "Focus, Hana. Focus," she whispered to herself as she paced back and forth in her small apartment. The walls, covered with notes of various marine life, seemed to mock her lack of discipline. Her eyes darted to the meticulously organized desk in the corner, where her research on the fish surrounding the Baratie was neatly stacked. She knew she needed to concentrate on her work, but her thoughts stubbornly returned to Sanji.

Her heartbeat quickened as she remembered their laughter-filled conversations, the gentle brush of his fingers against hers when he handed her a plate, or the way his gaze lingered just a second too long sometimes. Shaking her head, she tried to regain control over her wandering mind.

"Come on, Hana," she scolded herself, "you can't let this... crush get in the way of your goals."

Her resolve to maintain the hard-to-get act intensified, even though a part of her ached to be genuine with him. Deep breaths, she reminded herself. Just focus on the fish, not the flirt.


Meanwhile, in his room above the Baratie, Sanji lounged on his bed, a dreamy smile plastered across his face. The lingering sensation of Hana's lips on his cheek sent shivers down his spine.

"Man, I can't believe she actually kissed me!" He chuckled, replaying the moment in his head for the hundredth time. "I've got to make that dinner extra special for her."

He began to imagine the elegant table setting, the candlelight flickering and casting a warm glow upon Hana's smiling face. As he envisioned each carefully selected dish, his heart raced with equal parts nerves and excitement. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He was determined to make that evening special for her, and he would do everything in his power to make it perfect.

"Tomorrow," he whispered to himself, his eyes gleaming with anticipation, "I'll surprise her with that private dinner I promised her. It'll be perfect, just you wait, Hana."


The sun had barely risen the next morning, casting a warm glow on the Baratie as it bobbed gently on the ocean waves. Hana entered the restaurant, determination etched on her face. Today, she vowed, would be different. She'd flirt with Sanji—genuinely this time—but still keep him on his toes.

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