#15 Surprise on the Menu! Hana's Unexpected Guests!

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AN: It took me forever to properly convey the ideas and emotions I wanted this chapter to have, especially when it came to Hana's newfound emotions toward Sanji that will be displayed in this chapter.

The morning sun glinted off the water as it lapped against Baratie's hull. Inside, Hana adjusted her glasses and greeted incoming customers with a warm smile, guiding them to their tables. Sanji meanwhile expertly sliced through ingredients and plated dishes with finesse in the bustling kitchen. The atmosphere was lively, as usual, but today held an unexpected surprise.


The front door swung open, revealing Hana's family – her mother, father, sister Sara, older brother Ren, and Ren's five-year-old son, Ichiro. The light caught on Ichiro's messy black hair as he bounced in excitement, clutching his father's hand.

"Mom! Dad! Sara! Ren! And...Ichiro?!" Hana gasped, her eyes wide with disbelief. All work-related thoughts vanished as she rushed to embrace her family.

"Surprise!" her parents chimed in unison, enveloping Hana in a group hug. Ichiro squirmed his way into the center of the embrace, giggling uncontrollably.

"Hey, kid," Ren grinned, ruffling Hana's hair affectionately. "Thought we'd come by for a visit."

As Hana exchanged laughs and stories with her family, Sanji couldn't help but be drawn to the genuine happiness on her face. He wiped his hands on a towel and approached, curious about the sudden appearance of Hana's relatives.

"Welcome to Baratie" Sanji greeted warmly as he approached the bunch.

Hana noticed his presence and her eyes sparkled with happiness.

"Sanji!" she began before introducing each member with pride, saving him for last. "Everyone, this is Sanji, our sous chef."

"Nice to meet you all," Sanji greeted, bowing respectfully. "It's an honor to have you here. Please, allow me to be your server today."

"Thank you, Sanji," Hana's mother beamed, clearly touched by his gesture.

Taking their seats, Hana's family settled in, and her mother, sitting, looked up at him with a warm smile. "You must be an excellent chef if our Hana speaks so highly of you."

"Ah well, thank you ma'am" Sanji scratched his head, a blush creeping up his cheeks. "I always do my best to impress her with my cooking skills."

"And he means 'always'," Hana chided playfully, but secretly she was grateful for the special care he was showing her family.

"But of course, I can never hold a candle to your daughter's brilliance," he winked at Hana, who rolled her eyes in response but couldn't hide her smile.

As Sanji and Hana continued their playful banter, Ren and Sara exchanged knowing glances. The siblings couldn't help but suspect that there was an underlying connection between the two coworkers.

As Sanji began to pass out menus, Her sister, Sara, teased her with a playful nudge. "Look at you, getting all red! So this is the famous Sanji we've been hearing about, hm? He's quite the catch."

"Shut up!" Hana warned, trying to suppress a smile.

"Alright, you two," Ren teased, smirking at his sister. "We'll stop stealing your thunder."

Hana shot him a glare, cheeks flushing as she tried to dismiss her brother's insinuations. "It's not like that, Ren!"

Sara chuckled, giving Hana a sly grin. "Sure. Whatever you say."

While the adults laughed over their suspicions, young Ichiro had grown curious about Sanji. He tugged at the chef's sleeve, eyes wide with curiosity. "Are you Auntie Hana's boyfriend?"

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