#5 Hostess' Honor! Sanji's Last Line of Defense!

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Sanji meticulously polished the wine glasses, making sure they sparkled like diamonds in the morning light streaming through Baratie's windows. Today was the day he'd finally share his passion for wine with Hana, that elusive and enchanting hostess who had captured his heart. He couldn't help but smile at the thought of her, imagining her delicate hands holding the stemware as they tasted the finest vintages together.

"Focus, Sanji," he chastised himself, "This isn't just about impressing her. It's about sharing knowledge and enhancing the dining experience for our guests." Yet, deep down, he knew that every swirl of a glass and every sip of velvety red would be an intimate dance between their souls.

The tinkling bell above the door signaled Hana's arrival, and Sanji's heart leaped into his throat. She gracefully stepped inside, her eyes scanning the room before landing on him. Sanji dropped to one knee, presenting her with a bouquet of roses he had painstakingly arranged earlier that morning.

"Please, my dear Hana, allow me the pleasure of your company and indulge in this exquisite journey through the world of wine," he said, practically swooning.

Hana rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of warmth and gratitude in her expression as she plucked the flowers from his outstretched hands. "Alright, Romeo, let's get started. I'm here to learn, not just to be wooed."

"Of course, my love!" Sanji sprang to his feet and led her to the table he had set with an array of wine bottles and glasses. His excitement bubbled up like champagne, threatening to overflow at any moment.

"First, we must understand the basics," he began, trying to sound professional despite the twinkle in his eye. "There are four main types of wine: red, white, rosé, and sparkling. Each has specific characteristics that pair well with certain dishes."

"Take this Pinot Noir, for example," he said, pouring a small amount into one of the polished glasses. "Its light body and crisp acidity make it an excellent choice for our pan-seared salmon dish." He handed her the glass, their fingers brushing together as she took it.

Hana sniffed the wine, her eyes closing as she inhaled its fruity aroma. She sipped it slowly, savoring the taste before swallowing. "It's like a symphony of flavors," she mused, sounding genuinely intrigued. "I never knew wine could be so captivating."

"Ah, my dear Hana, it is not just the wine that captivates – it is also the person who shares it with you," Sanji replied, struggling to contain his emotions. As they continued to taste different wines, Hana's enthusiasm only grew, her eyes lighting up with each new discovery.

"Sanji, I can't believe I've been missing out on this world of flavor," she admitted, her gaze lingering on him for a moment longer than necessary. "Thank you for opening my eyes to the art of wine pairing."

"Anything for you, my love," Sanji replied , his heart swelling with pride and affection. Together, they dove deeper into the world of wine, their connection growing stronger one sip at a time.

As Hana swirled her glass, watching the wine's crimson hue catch the light, she felt a sudden urge to share something personal with Sanji. "You know," she began, her voice softening as she let her guard down, "my family never had much growing up. We were fishermen, and while there was always enough food on our table, luxuries like fancy dinners were simply out of reach."

Sanji looked at her, his eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "I didn't know that, Hana. I'm sorry if this is bringing up any painful memories."

She shook her head, smiling gently. "No, it's not like that. If anything, it only makes me appreciate what we have here at Baratie even more. I love learning about all these intricate flavors and pairings, and I find myself dreaming about being able to treat myself to a lavish meal one day. Just once, I want to experience the kind of happiness our customers do when they dine here."

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