#4 The Sizzling Spark! The Cook's Ambition Ignites!

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As the sun began its slow ascent over the horizon, Sanji couldn't help but whistle a cheerful tune while he polished silverware in Baratie's dining room. The morning light reflected off the cutlery, casting playful shadows on the wall, mirroring the fluttering feeling in his heart. Today was a day like no other; he would be working alongside Hana, the radiant hostess who had captured his attention from the moment she walked through the restaurant's doors.

"Morning, Sanji!" Hana greeted him with her usual warm smile as she sauntered into the restaurant, her eyes sparkling like the ocean waves outside.

"Ah, bonjour mademoiselle Hana!" Sanji replied, a little too enthusiastically, as he bowed and handed her the stack of freshly polished forks. He couldn't help but feel a sense of giddiness bubbling inside him like champagne. "Can I get you anything? A coffee, perhaps? Or would you prefer tea?"

"Tea would be lovely, thank you," Hana replied, her voice melodious even when discussing such mundane matters.

"Coming right up!" Sanji practically skipped to the kitchen, leaving Hana chuckling at the door.

In the kitchen, Zeff raised an eyebrow, watching Sanji's uncharacteristic eagerness. "What's gotten into you, brat?" he grumbled, stirring a pot of simmering sauce with a critical eye.

"Nothing, Chef Zeff! Just excited for another day at Baratie!" Sanji responded, trying to sound nonchalant as he brewed Hana's tea.

"Since when are you so eager to work the front of the house, huh?" Zeff narrowed his eyes at Sanji, his suspicions growing by the second.

"Can't a guy just appreciate a change of scenery every once in a while?" Sanji retorted, carefully pouring the tea into a delicate china teacup.

"Uh-huh," Zeff muttered, not entirely convinced but choosing to drop the subject for now.

As Sanji returned to Hana with her steaming cup of tea, the other cooks exchanged puzzled glances. They had never seen their talented sous chef so invested in working at the front of the house, let alone being so blatantly smitten with someone.

"Guys, do you think Sanji's okay?" Patty whispered to his fellow cooks, concern lacing his voice. "I've never seen him like this before."

"Maybe he's just... happy?" Carne suggested hesitantly, as if the very concept was foreign to them all.

"Let's hope that's all it is," Patty sighed, shaking his head and returning to his own preparations for the day.

Back at the front of the house, Sanji couldn't contain his grin as he watched Hana expertly arrange plates and glasses on the tables, her movements fluid and graceful. Today would be a day to remember, he was certain of it - a day filled with laughter, light-hearted banter, and perhaps even the start of a deeper connection between him and the captivating hostess who had stolen his heart.

As Hana watched Sanji from the corner of her eye, she couldn't help but notice his enthusiasm to be working at the front of the house. It was almost endearing how eager he seemed to engage with her, even as he continued to flirt with female customers - though not quite as fervently as before. She found herself studying him more closely, taking in his sharp features and charming smile.

"Could it be?" she mused internally. "Is our dear Sanji actually smitten with me?" The thought brought a mischievous grin to her face, accompanied by a twinge of jealousy when she noticed Sanji's lingering attention on one particularly attractive patron.

"Alright," Hana decided, steeling herself for the game ahead. "Two can play this game." With that, she shifted her demeanor to one of playful sarcasm and sly wit, hoping to keep Sanji on his toes.

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